Patch Notes v0.4.15
Major Bug Fixes
- Implemented a workaround for a bug that caused map data to reset.
- Fixed several Xbox and SteamDeck crashes.
Mechanics Rework
- Reworked Random Pal mode. The level of wild pals that appear has been fixed for each region. This means that the strength of enemies will gradually increase as you progress, and only the pals that appear will be random.
- Added measures to address the player rubberbanding issues in multiplayer.
- Optimized save data file sizes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Pals at bases would get stuck on each other on dedicated servers
- Fixed an issue where some naturally occurring map objects, such as mushrooms, were not spawning after being destroyed by player construction
- Fixed an issue where neutral NPCs spawned in random events would not become criminal when attacked
- Fixed an issue where Pals would not work if summoned too close to a tree
- Fixed an issue where NPCs would sometimes shake when firing their guns
- Fixed minor bugs such as texture issues
- Fixed an issue where anti-aircraft missile launchers would occasionally respawn
- Fixed an issue where some buildings would not align properly
- Fixed an issue where Pals would not enter caves
Editor Note
- Since v0.4.15 updates the UE file structure, players who experience crashes when using Mods are advised to replace the UE4SS experimental-lastest version (at least v3.0.1-323).
Patch Notes v0.4.14
Spring Festival Skins!
Five Spring Festival skins have been added for all players!
(※You must have the corresponding Pal to equip the skin in Pal Dressing Facility)
- Lucky Cattiva
- Fortune-Bringer Lyleen
- Fortune-Bringer Lyleen Noct
- Lion-Dancer Chillet
- Lion-Dancer Chillet Ignis
Specification Adjustments
- Pals will now target the nearest enemy after being summoned
- Changed the behaviour of large Pals at bases to be the same as small Pals. This allows them to pass through narrow passages and they will be less likely to collide with ceilings and such
- Added
Ground element to
Mammorest and
Mammorest Cryst
- Added
Water element and the work suitability "
Watering" to
Balance Adjustments
- Reduced the amount of power required by the
Large-Scale Electric Egg Incubator and significantly increased the amount of power stored in the battery
- Expanded the range of the target area near the reticle when targeting the same enemy
- Fixed a bug where the stamina of some Pals was different between normal Pals and Alpha Pals
- Adjusted the rewards from large oil rig treasure chest and removed the uncommon plasma cannon blueprint
- Extended the distance at which the
Advanced Bow damage begins to drop off by 1.5
- Reduced the amount of
Plasteel required when crafting weapons and armor
- Increased the production speed of crude oil from the
Crude Oil Extractor
- Increased the rate at which crude oil extraction speed increases at the
Pal Labor Research Laboratory
- Increased the durability of weapons and armor that can be created with some blueprints (durability of already created equipment will remain unchanged, so it will appear that the durability has decreased at first)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when a Pal with four negative passive skills was put through surgery by Dr. Brawn
- Fixed a bug that caused the NEW display in the building UI to not disappear when starting a new save data
- Fixed an issue that caused the treasure chest in the Oil Rig to not respawn
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the workbench effect to remain
- Fixed a bug that caused the PS5 players to be able to join Xbox games. This feature is currently under development and was released unintentionally
- Fixed an issue where some terrain was disappearing
Patch Notes v0.4.13
- Increased the turning speed of
Xenolord and
Frostallion while in the air
- Increased the drop rate of legendary blueprints from the large chests on the Rayne Syndicate Platform Oil Rig, and removed uncommon blueprints from the large chest loot table.
- Fixed a bug that would cause characters to fall under the terrain when logging in, etc.
- Fixed a bug that would cause autosaving and saving when returning to the title screen to not work properly
- Fixed a bug that would cause Pals to stop generating power when there are no players at the base
- Fixed a bug that would cause Pals at the base to stop moving on dedicated servers
- Fixed a bug that would cause tower bosses to stop moving
- Fixed a bug that would cause the attack chopper to fly too high
- Expanded the weak spots on the attack chopper
- Summoned Pals will now run back to the player if they get too far away during combat
- Summoned Pals will no longer move out of the way if the player is aiming in their vicinity
- Fixed the grappling gun behavior while mounted
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to feed unintended items to Pals
- Fixed a bug where players could go all the way to the end of a dungeon without defeating the boss
- Fixed a bug where the boss of the desert dungeon would appear in strange positions
- Fixed a bug where Pals working on a Human-Powered Generator would face in the wrong direction
- Fixed a bug that allowed foundations to be built on top of the Pal Expedition Station
- Fixed a bug that prevented oil from being sold at the
Flea Market (Items)
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from interacting with chests while riding a Pal
- Fixed a bug where there was a hole at the base of Royal Frostallion's tail
- Fixed a bug where the player would sometimes not move for a while when starting multiplayer
- Fixed a bug that allowed players do damage other player's base by using
- Fixed several bugs related to
Xenolord's active skills
- Fixed a bug that caused warping or going through walls when using Bolt Blink
- Fixed a bug that caused Pals to continue moving in the Spider Raid even when near death
- Fixed the behavior of Stone Beat while mounted
- Fixed a bug that caused some active skills to be interrupted when attacked
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Tarantriss' partner skill "Tarantriss' Web" from being activated
- Fixed a bug that caused the screen to not shake when using
Grizzbolt's partner skill
- Fixed a bug that caused the gun to be distorted when using
Lifmunk's partner skill
- Fixed a bug where damage from
Nyafia's partner skill was lower than expected
- Fixed a bug where the work speed displayed on the Pal Details screen was different between the host and client
- Fixed a bug where the description for technologies with prerequisites could disappear
- Fixed some terrain bugs
- Fixed a bug where some trees and flowers were not rendered properly
- Fixed a bug where some NPCs would not sell items
- Fixed the spawn positions of some NPCs
- Fixed a bug that caused the work speed buff from food to be lower than expected
- Fixed several crashes
- Fixed save backup data when overwriting the Xbox version backup
- Many other minor bug fixes
Patch Note v0.4.12
- Fixed a bug where Pals would get stuck on oil rigs.
- Fixed a bug that caused Bjorn and Bastagor to become staggered when attacked.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the player from selecting and summoning a Pal if another Pal was already summoned.
- Corrected an issue with the Xenolord [Lv 60] raid being stronger than expected.
- Corrected an issue that was causing summoned Pals to not perform lumbering work correctly.
- Fixed an issue that was causing cooling work to produce too many effects and animations.
- Fixed several crashes.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Feybreak Update Note v0.4.11
New Content
Meowmere from Terraria!
Meowmere, the first "bullet-firing melee weapon" in Palworld, has been added. This is only a small taste of the Palworld x Terraria collab, and in 2025, even more collaboration content will be released! Enjoy taking a step towards a new adventure alongside the sound of cat meowing!
New Island - Feybreak
- A new island, Feybreak, has appeared! A mysterious island with many challenges, glowing sand
Nightstar Sand and many new Pals!
- No.5B
Foxparks Cryst
- No.35B
Caprity Noct
- No.39B
Ribbuny Botan
- No.46B
Loupmoon Cryst
- No.61B
Kitsun Noct
- No.62B
Dazzi Noct
- No.83B
Cryolinx Terra
- No.92B
Warsect Terra
- No.93B
Fenglope Lux
- No.105B
Faleris Aqua
- No.127
- No.128
- No.129
- No.130
- No.131
- No.132
- No.133
- No.134
- No.135
- No.136
- No.137
- No.138
- No.139
- No.140
- No.5B
- Conquer the Feybreak Warriors, a new faction that dominates the island with the power of their missile battery camp!
New Resources - Chromite and Hexolite Quartz!
Chromite is buried underground and can only be found by using Pals
Smokie or
Metal Detector that can detect metal.
Hexolite Quartz is a rare ore that only exists on Feybreak.
New Mechanic - Expeditions!
- Obtain supplies by sending Pals out on expeditions at the
Pal Expedition Station!
New Mechanic - Research!
- By conducting research at the
Pal Labor Research Laboratory, you can unlock permanent passives and rewards that increase the productivity of your base!
- Some existing buildings that increase work speed will now be unlocked as research rewards.
Predator Pals
- Vicious Predator Pals will now appear throughout the world. These Pals are extremely difficult to defeat but those strong enough to take them down will earn rare resources
Predator Core in return for their bravery!
- Tips: You can just lap around (100M) the spawn point and they will spawn after couple laps (30%). Some of them only spawn in Night.
New "Bounty" NPCs
- Dangerous criminals have appeared all over the Palpagos Islands. Bring these crooks to justice and cash in the country for rewards
Successful Bounty Token.
New Strongholds and Stronghold Boss: The Attack Chopper
- A large and very difficult "Rayne Syndicate Platform Oil Rig" has appeared! Great riches, important supplies and more are stored here. A powerful Attack Chopper guards this rig from any intruders!
- A smaller oil rig, the "Rayne Syndicate Barge Oil Rig" has been added for beginners.
Player level cap raised to 60!
- New technologies and more await!
New Raid!
Defeat the dark mechanical dragon Invader from Space Xenolord that controls the Xeno army!
Sphere Modules
- You can now attach Sphere Modules to spheres to significantly change their trajectory, such as curving it, which in turn increases the capture rate!
New Items
Metal Detector - Find chromite buried underground on Feybreak.
Small Pouch,
Medium Pouch,
Large Pouch,
Giant Pouch - Increases your inventory size!
Double Jump Boots - Stylish and practical, time to double jump Space!
Air Dash Boots - Allows the player to dash while in the air Ctrl.
Revival Potion - Bring your Pals back to life.
- New cooking recipes have been added.
Hardcore Mode!
- The ultimate challenge. Player and Pal death is permanent. Can be enabled in the world settings.
Random Pal Mode!
- Turn on Random Pal Mode in world settings to randomize Pal spawns!
- Randomize by Region - Randomize Pal spawns while maintaining a certain regional range.
- Completely Random - All Pal spawns in all regions will be completely randomized! It could be a bit chaotic...
New Area Discovery Bonus!
- Players will earn experience points when they discover a location for the first time.
Many New Weapons!
Makeshift SMG
Makeshift Assault Rifle
Makeshift Shotgun
Old Revolver
Semi-Auto Rifle
Semi-Auto Shotgun
Laser Gatling Gun
Plasma Cannon
Compound Bow
Advanced Bow
Beam Sword
Dark Grenade
Dragon Grenade
Ground Grenade
Grass Grenade
Water Grenade
New Buildings
Large-Scale Electric Egg Incubator - Hatch up to 10 eggs at the same time.
Guild Chest - Items placed in a guild chest are shared among all guild chests.
Item Retrieval Machine - Search for and take any item from any chest within your base!
Medicine Rack - Pals will take medicine stored to treat their illnesses and injuries.
Flea Market (Items),
Flea Market (Pals) - Sell Pals and items to other players!
Large-Scale Stone Oven and
Gigantic Furnace - Multiple Pals can work together to cook and refine at higher speeds!
Skillfruit Orchard - Plant and grow skill fruits!
Gold Coin Assembly Line - Illegally produced coins, now made at home!
Ladder - Players can go up and down without needing to build stairs!
Pure Quartz Mine - Mine an infinite amount in the comfort of your base.
Accumulator - By storing extra electricity, you can keep your facilities running at night while your Pals sleep.
Elemental Treasure Chests
- Rare treasure chests that can only be unlocked by Pals of specific elements have appeared!
New Arrogant Pal Critic Rewards
- Arrogant Pal Critic arrives Feybreak Stone Pillar Cave.
- Players can now sit on chairs!
- You can now obtain
Successful Bounty Tokens by defeating field bosses. These tokens provide permanent passives to the player.
- Player climbing speed has been increased.
- Increased the maximum amount of power that can be enhanced by [Lifmunk Effigies](Lifmuk Effigy] from 12 to 14.
- Implemented "Sphere Critical" hits! Throwing a sphere at a Pal's weak spot (the same weak spot as when attacking a Pal) will temporarily increase the capture rate!
- Experience points gained from crafting and building have been increased. You now also gain experience points for Pals crafting and building even when you aren't at your base!
- Improved player animations.
- Players will now be invincible for a few seconds after teleporting or entering/exiting dungeons.
- When mounted, Pals now cancel any active skills that are in effect, allowing it to move immediately.
Base Related
- A function to replace foundation structures and defensive walls without destroying them has been implemented. Walls already built can be upgraded.
- New foundation structures, "Japanese-Style Structure Set" have been implemented! You can recreate Sakurajima's Japanese-style architecture at your base. Sliding doors have also been implemented.
- The maximum base level has been increased to 30.
- Pal transportation work has been improved while the player is not in the base.
- In Single-Player and COOP modes you can build much more freely around the world, except in some dungeons.
- The Pal working state set in the
Monitoring Stand is now saved.
Christmas Skins!
6 Christmas skins have been added in Pal Dressing Facility for all players!
(※You must own the Pal to equip the skin)
- Pudding à la Gumoss
- Party Night Depresso
- Winter Style Chillet
- Winter Style Chillet Ignis
- Royal Frostallion
- White Shadowbeak
Redistributing Limited-Time skins to all players!
(※You must own the Pal to equip the skin)
- Gold Relaxaurus
- Sailor Quivern
- Summer Chillet
New Unique Skills
Vanwyrm - Flame Breath
Vanwyrm Cryst - Tempest Blizzard
Astegon - Firefist Breathstorm
Maraith - Spirit Dash
Verdash - Spinning Roundhouse
Univolt - Lightning Gale
Blazehowl - Volcanic Fang
Ragnahawk - Rush Beak
Beegarde - Needle Spear
Beakon - Lightning Dive
Rayhound - Beckon Lightning
Jormuntide - Slither Slam
Jormuntide Ignis - Magma Serpent
Cryolinx - Blizzard Claw
Wumpo - Snow Bowling
Wumpo Botan - Lawn Bowling
New Ground Skill
New Dark Skill
New Dragon Skill
New Tier of Passive Skills
- An even higher tier of passives, "rainbow passive skill" has been added! Breed the ultimate Pal!
- ※ "Swift" has been promoted to a rainbow passive skill, and the chance of obtaining it has decreased.
Work Suitability Enhancement Books!
- By using various technique books, you can permanently increase Pal's work suitability.
- The limit on strengthening Pals with souls has been lifted! It's now possible to further develop your Pals.
- If a summoned Pal has three moves that are all on cooldown, it will use the most basic move of its element.
- Enemy Pals will now use every move they know at that level.
- Alpha Pal eggs are no longer all huge but are now each the appropriate size.
- Added a filter function to the Technology screen.
- You can now add Pals to your favourites with a single button in the Pal Box UI.
- Improved Pal Box sorting function, making it easier to find the Pal you're looking for.
- You can now change the font size in the options settings.
- The player's main HUD no longer becomes hidden over time. (You can revert this setting in the options.)
Mouse and Keyboard
- You can now close any window with the Tab key.
- The right Shift key and right Ctrl key can now be registered in the key configuration.
Controller Pad
- Fixed an issue where the player would continue walking if the UI was opened while moving.
- Changed the cutscene skip button on controller to Y.
- The charges have been expanded. Serious crimes, such as "Obstructing Public Officials" will increase the player's criminal level even more.
Dedicated Servers
- You can now set "Maximum number of buildings per base" in the world settings. This allows server administrators to make adjustments to stabilize server performance and maintain a comfortable playing environment.
Balance Adjustment
- The weight multiplier for all items can now be changed in world settings.
- Technology unlock levels have been adjusted.
- The selling prices of some Pals have been adjusted.
- Merchant stock and prices have been adjusted.
- The crafting recipes for some ammunition have been adjusted.
- Boss enemies are now immune to stuns and will now become staggered when their stun accumulation value reaches 100.
- Some technologies can now be unlocked by defeating tower bosses.
- Adjusted the work suitability of some Pals:
Blazamut Ryu - Kindling 3 → 4
Selyne - Handiwork 3 → 4
Knocklem - Mining 3 → 4
Cryolinx - Added Transporting
- Legendary Pals are now level 60, and they can learn more powerful skills.
- The recovery amount of
Felbat and
Lovander's partner skills has been increased from 6% to 10%.
- Tips: in-game file is still 6%.
Bug Fixes
- Improved base pals so they don't get stuck as often.
- Reduced the issue of players falling under the ground after fast travel.
- Improved enemy pathing so they don't get stuck in walls as often.
- Improved the raid algorithm and pathing to ensure that raids reach bases much more often.
- Many many many other minor bug fixes.
- New NPCs have been added to various locations.
- Added the "Free Pal Alliance Judicator" to the Free Pal Alliance. He will now appear at their camps.
- Slowed down the work speed animation of base Pals with work speed buffs. (This is a measure to prevent the processing load from increasing too much when the effect is played at high speed. This change does not affect actual work speed.)
- 3 new songs have been added to the soundtrack. If you have already purchased the game, please update the soundtrack.
*Please note that the soundtrack update may be delayed by about a day.
Palworld version v0.3.10
Added 4 Halloween skins! All players will recieve these skins for free upon starting up the game! (※Cannot be equipped unless you have at least 1 of the corresponding Pals)
- Halloween Cattiva
- Spectacled Katress
- Pirate Pengullet
- Halloween Croajiro
- Significantly relaxed the text chat character limit. You can now write much longer messages!
Major Bug Fixes
- Fixed memory leak on servers
- Fixed several critical game crashes
- Fixed an issue where large Pals would push the player under the world or through walls
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where custom markers were not displayed in the compass UI at the top of the screen
- Fixed many minor bugs
- Fixed minor translation errors
PS5 Specific Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where trees would respawn even if a structure was built over it
Update Note v0.3.5
Base Fixes
- The frequency of notifications for Pals stuck in the base was too high, so we have suppressed them
- Notifications are now only displayed when the player is within the range of the base where the incident is occurring
- Notifications for problems related to natural objects like rocks and trees will no longer be shown
- In some cases where a working pal is stuck, they will now work remotely from where they are standing
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem where pillars could not be built underwater
- Fixed a problem where the oil rig turrets were desyncing in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug where simplified characters were mixed into the traditional Chinese translation
- Other minor text related bugs fixed
v0.3.4 Update Note
New Settings
- Added meteorite and supply drop interval settings to world options
Balance adjustments
- Summoned Pals will take 25% less damage from all sources - Does not apply to base Pals
- Decreased the firepower of enemies on the Oil Rig
- Increased power generation from large generators
- Adjusted recovery amount of
Lyleen's unique skill
- Lowered the required technology level for
Coal Mines
- Increased purchase price from food merchants, and increased production efficiency of tomatoes and lettuce at farms
- Meat can now be purchased from merchants
Base fixes
- Overall improved notifications when a work Pal cannot path correctly inside the base
- Fixed an issue where Pals would get stuck when transporting if a chest was moved or the transport route changed
- Fixed a bug where a fixed assignment to a breeding farm would be removed when the player was not at the base
- If a Pal cannot find a route to the
Breeding Farm when manually assigned, it will now warp directly to it
- Fixed a bug where harmful random events such as monster nests occurred within the base
- Measures were taken to prevent Pals from getting stuck when they are unable to path correctly to a repair kit
- Removed farm collision to reduce Pals getting stuck and clogging the pathing
Bug fixes
- Fixed an bug where work Pals would disappear instead of dropping into the Pal Box when the maximum number of work pals at a base was reduced in world settings
- The neutral area was missing around the Sakurajima Tower, so it has been set. Building is no longer possible in the surrounding area
- Fixed a bug that prevented achievements from unlocking
- Added some measures to address the bug where the treasure chest in the oil rig could randomly disappear and other minor bug fixes
- Fixed a problem where simplified characters were mixed into the traditional Chinese version of the game (This fix is ongoing due to the large amount of text)
- Fixed other minor text issues
Update Note
New Island - Sakurajima
- A new island has appeared! Sakurajima!
- Take control of the tower protected by a new faction "The Moonflowers", and free this beautiful island from their control!
- Sakurajima is home to many new Pals! Explore and find new species!
- An arena has appeared in the Desiccated Desert! Battle against other players to assert your dominance! (Multiplayer exclusive content)
Stronghold - Oil Rig
- An oil rig controlled by the Rayne Syndicate has appeared in the ocean! Work together with your friends to defeat powerful enemies and claim valuable resources such as crude oil!
Player level cap raised to 55!
- Players can now adventure to level 55!
- New technologies available
- Upper limit for Pal's capture bonus has been increased from 10 to 12
New Resource - Crude Oil
- You can extract
Crude Oil by unlocking and placing a new building, the
Crude Oil Extractor, in certain spots around the world
- New high-tier equipment and spheres can be crafted using the new material
Plasteel which can be made from crude oil
New Raid
Blazamut Ryu has arrived! The strongest Dragon Pal in the game!
Meteorite Event
- Meteorites or supplies will fall from space sometimes! There may even be an unknown Pal from outer space too...!?
- May contain a Supplies. Cooldown 3 hours, you can adjust the system timer.
Tower Boss Hard Mode
- Each tower boss now has a hard mode, allowing you to face them in their ultimate form!
- Defeat all tower boss to unlock the option
New Merchant - Medal Merchant
- A merchant who will exchange a new item
Dog Coin for rare items! (Desolate Church)
New Items
Mysterious Accessory Box - Permanently increases the number of accessory slots by 1
- Concentrated All-Pupose Pal Extract - Increases the rank of a Pal by 1 when used
Ring of Freight - Increases your carrying weight when equipped
Vital Remedy,
Stamina Remedy,
Might Remedy,
Speed Remedy,
Burden Remedy - These new remedies permanently strengthen the player's base stats. Until now, players could only increase their stats when levelling up, but now you can reach MAX stats!
- Capped: 5500 Helth, 600 Stamina, 200 Attack, 2600 Work Speed, 2800 Weight. (+50 times)
New Weapons
Laser Rifle
Gatling Gun
Grenade Launcher
Guided Missile Launcher
Multi Guided Missile Launcher
Meteor Launcher
New NPC cosmetic hats! Dress up like your favourite bosses!
New Pal cosmetic hats! Dress up like your favourite Pals!
Lyleen Floral Cap
Sibelyx Hat
- Leezpunk Hood
- Killamari Cap
Cawgnito Hat
- Ribbuny Headband
Lamball Helm
Dumud Helm
- Swee Cap
- Dazzi Hat
Cattiva Hat
New Buildings
Cold Food Box - Feed your Pals while keeping your food nice and cool
Sulfur Mine and
Coal Mine - Gather valuable resources at your base
Pal Disassembly Conveyor - Get rid of unwanted Pals automatically! Your heart will hurt less this way...
Wall-Mounted Sign - Make notes without taking up too much space
Refrigerated Crusher - An upgraded Crusher that can break down various items into different items
New Feature - Lockpicking
- You can now attempt to open locked treasure chests with the new lockpicking mini-game. Requires a
Lockpicking Tool v1!
New Feature - Pal Skins! (Cosmetics for Pals)
- You can now change Pal's skin at the new
Pal Dressing Facility!
- The "Sunglasses Cattiva" skin is now available for everyone! More skins will be added in future updates
Palbox capacity increased from 480 Pals to 960 Pals
- Increased the maximum amount of power that can be enhanced by
Lifmunk Effigy from 10 to 12
- Added a setting that prevents items from being automatically picked up if it will overencumber the player
Base Related
- The building system has been reworked and improved! Basic construction is now much more intuitive and smooth!
- Pillars have been added. The days of accidentally demolishing a supporting wall and the entire 2nd flood collapsing are over!
- Axis alignment function added
- Defensive walls can now be connected
- It is now possible to connect from the roof, walls, stairs, and pillars to the foundation (previously, connections could only be started from the foundation)
- New building material "Glass" has been added. Keep an eye on your cute Pals from inside with glass walls!
- The maximum base level has been increased to 25, and the number of bases allowed has been increased from 3 to 4 at level 25
- You can now change the maximum amount of guild bases from the game options ※Note: Too many bases may lead to performance issues (3→10)
- You can now change the maximum amount of base Pals from the game options ※Note: Too many Pals at one base may lead to performance issues (20→50)
- Implemented a private lock function for chests. Your friends won't be able to steal your metal anymore!
- It is now possible to permanently assign a Pal to a specific facility from the Monitoring Stand
Cakes will now be transported to chests as a priority
- Readjusted the work priority order for Pals
- Changes to defense facility specifications. Work pals will use them automatically even if they are not assigned to a specific facility
- Measures and mitigation for base pals getting stuck when a route cannot be taken
- Added a lock function in the
Palbox menu
- Player crosshair colour can now be adjusted and fixed an issue where the crosshair would get stuck behind the player
- You can now craft items in units of 100x
- Added more types of custom map markers, and increased the placement limit to 300
- Statue of Power UI has been improved
- Improved sorting function of
Palbox, making it easier to find the Pal you want
- Junkyards have been added around the world! You might find some valuable items there...
- A new random event has been added. Find and steal eggs from "Monster Nests" hidden around the islands!
New Pal Skills!
- Unique Skills
- Neutral Skills
- Fire Skills
- Water Skills
- Grass Skills
- Electric Skills
- Ice Skills
- Ground Skills
- Dragon Skills
New Passive Skills
- Philanthropist - Greatly reduces the time required to produce eggs
- Impatient - Reduced cooldown on active skills
- Infinite Stamina - Increased stamina (Only on mountable Pals)
- Noble - Pals with this passive will give you an advantage when trading with merchants
- Nocturnal - Pals with this passive become nocturnal and will work throughout the night
New Pals
Gorirat Terra No.49B
Chillet Ignis No.55B
Bushi Noct No.72B
Katress Ignis No.75B
Wixen Noct No.76B
Quivern Botan No.95B
Blazamut Ryu No.96B
Helzephyr Lux No.97B
Menasting Terra No.99B
Selyne No.113 (Meteor event on Sakurijima)
Croajiro No.114
Lullu No.115
Shroomer No.116
Shroomer Noct No.116B
Kikit No.117
Sootseer No.118
Prixter No.119
Knocklem No.120
Yakumo No.121
Dogen No.122
Dazemu No.123
Mimog No.124
Xenovader No.125 (Meteor event on volcano and islands)
Xenogard No.126 (Meteor event on astral mountain and desert)
- Added a new setting that always rejects guild invites
Balance Adjustment
- Due to the increase in accessory slots, accessories with the same name have been changed so they cannot be equipped more than once
- Defensive accessories have been balanced due to the increase in accessory slots.
- Due to the addition of many new Pals, some Pal breeding combinations have been changed
- Adjusted the selling price of all Pals. The selling price of Alpha Pals is now about twice that of the original species
Bug Fixes
- Mitigations have been added for an issue that caused PCs to freeze when closing the game
- Changed the grappling gun behaviour to make it less likely to get stuck
- Many many many other minor bug fixes
- A warning will now be displayed if the GPU driver is too out-of-date
- 6 new songs have been added to soundtrack. If you have already purchased the game, please update the soundtrack.
Patch Notes v0.2.4.0
Balance Adjustment
- Increased the HP of all Alpha Pals (larger than normal Pals), including Lucky Pals, by 1.2
- Breeding eggs now have a slight chance to produce an Alpha Pal
- Reduced the damage reduction rate of enemy bosses by 18%. (The HP adjustment above has been adjusted so that battles don't become too difficult.)
- Items and Pals dropped on death can now be picked up by anyone 24 hours after they are dropped
- Items and Pals dropped on death will now disappear 48 hours after they are dropped
- Fixed a bug that notified all players on the server when someone finished or failed a raid
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused synchronization issues when gates were opened
- Many other minor bug fixes
Patch Notes v0.2.3.0
Balance Adjustment
- The electric egg incubator now has increased hatching speed. Hatches at 1.5 times the normal rate
- Optimized the processing load on dedicated servers
Bug Fixes
- You can now pet some pals that could not be pet due to a bug that prevented the "pet" option from working correctly
- Fixed an issue where base pals would sometimes collide with each other on dedicated servers
- [Xbox version only] Fixed an issue where the "Option to show/hide Journey" and "Option to change the scale of damage text numbers" were not working
- Fixed other minor bugs
Patch Notes v0.2.2.0
Major Fixes
- Corrected an issue that caused all Pal attacks to deal only half the intended damage
- Attack Before:
- Attack After:
- Attack Before:
Other Fixes
- Corrected the hit detection in the latter parts of the "Nightmare Ray" and "Nightmare Bloom" attacks
- Reduced the jittering of sleeping Pals on Pal beds
- You can now close the character editing screen of the antique dresser using the ESC key
- Corrected other minor bugs
Patch Notes v0.2.1.0
- Fixed an issue where eggs could not be placed in the egg incubator if you loaded save data from v0.1.5.x or earlier.
Patch Notes v0.2.0.6
Implemented the first Raid Boss
- You can summon Raid Boss Pals by using slabs at the new
Summoning Altar
- Raid Boss Pals summoned by slabs "
Bellanoir's Slab,
Bellanoir Libero's Slab,
Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab" are very powerful and can not be captured. Work alongside your base Pals to take on these powerful foes.
- Pals Eggs can drop after defeating Raid Boss Pals.
- The "extreme" version of the Raid Boss is incredibly powerful and difficult to defeat
New Items
- New "
Training Manual (S),
Training Manual (M),
Training Manual (L),
Training Manual (XL)" items have been added. These manuals allow you to give experience points to Pals.
- New item "
Ancient Technical Manual" has been added. This manual gives you ancient technology points and can be randomly found inside dungeon chests.
- New "
Low Quality Recovery Meds,
Recovery Meds,
High Quality Recovery Meds" items have been added. Using these meds will slowly recover your HP over time.
- New item "
Homeward Thundercloud" has been added. When used, this item will instantly move you to your nearest base.
- New item "
Ability Glasses" has been added. When equipped, you can see Pal's stats.
- New stat boosting items have been added: "
Power Fruit,
Life Fruit,
Stout Fruit". These items will boost Pal's IV stats when used.
- Added a new passive "Mercy Hit". Pals with this passive cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.
- New item "
Ring of Mercy" has been added. When wearing this ring, you cannot reduce enemy HP below 1 when attacking.
- New armour "
Multiclimate Undershirt,
Multiclimate Undershirt +1,
Multiclimate Undershirt +2" has been added. Protect yourself against both the heat and the cold with just one slot!
- New building "
Electric Egg Incubator" has been added. This incubator consumes electricity to automatically adjust the temperature to the optimum temperature for each egg.
- New building "
Ore Mining Site,
Ore Mining Site II" has been added. This mining site allows you to produce ores from the comfort of your base!
Kelpsea can now produce
Pal Fluids at the
Kelpsea Ignis can now produce
Flame Organ at the
Dumud can now produce
High Quality Pal Oil at the
Vixy can now produce
Giga Sphere and
Hyper Sphere at the
- You can now reduce the weight of metal ore while riding
Surfent Terra
- Increased the amount of ore dropped while riding
- You can now raise Pal's rank to the maximum with a single synthesis using the
Pal Essence Condenser. (Condensation progress is now accumulated in the individual Pal)
- Negative Pal status will now be resolved after spending some time in the Pal Box
- While aiming a sphere, it will now display how many of the target Pal has already been captured
- You can now check the cooldowns on partner skills for all your Pals on the main screen
- Equipment and item stats are now visible on the technology screen, even if you have not unlocked them first
- The tutorial has been improved and renamed to "Journey"
- You can now show/hide the "Journey" in the game options
- Damage number display size can be changed in the game options. (In Raid Boss battles, the damage numbers tend to overlap a lot and it may be difficult to see, so we recommend adjusting the size)
- Items dropped by players after death on a dedicated server can now be picked up by anyone after 24 hours of real-time have passed
- Added a new "sleeping" player emote
Base Related
- You can now allow/disallow certain work for base Pals at the
Monitoring Stand
- Chest filters have been added. Select item types to allow or disallow inside chests
- Crafted items are now transported from crafting facilities. Selecting "allow transport" when crafting will result in Pals transporting those items to chests when finished
- You can now edit your character's appearance at any time by using the "
Antique Dresser"
- Building and building piece placement rules have been relaxed
- You can now connect stairs facing upwards
- You can now connect stairs facing downwards while holding Alt
- Roof pieces can now directly connect to foundations
- Triangular walls can now be connected to stairs
- You can now force a Pal to work and cancel their break by picking them up and throwing them towards a facility (Pals recover their SAN while taking a break, so be careful!)
- Fixed assignments remain fixed, even after bad events occur. Previously, some assignments would change due to certain conditions, but now they will remain fixed unless the Pal is placed inside the Pal Box
- New
Crusher recipe:
Small Pal Soul x2:
Medium Pal Soul x1
Medium Pal Soul x1:
Small Pal Soul x2
Medium Pal Soul x2:
Large Pal Soul x1
Large Pal Soul x1:
Medium Pal Soul x2
Balance Adjustment
- Minimum heat and cold resistance have been added to various armour. You will no longer need to take off your heat-resistance armour when it is cold at night in the starting areas!
- Reduce the button press time in the egg incubator
- Change the pattern for
Jormuntide Ignis to something more unique
- Breeding:
Jormuntide +
Blazehowl =
Jormuntide Ignis
- Breeding:
- Added legendary blueprints for some firearms (Dropped from specific enemies)
- Single-shot Rifle Schematic 4 dropped from
- Double-barreled Shotgun Schematic 4 dropped from
Musket Schematic 4 dropped from
- Single-shot Rifle Schematic 4 dropped from
- Corrected the selling price of
- In single-player, it is no longer possible to select the initial spawn point for multiplayer
- Blocked the back of the starting area with rocks to prevent players from getting lost or stuck
- The increased attack power multiplier of partner skills that increase the player's attack power while riding has been uniformly reduced from 2.0 to 1.2
- Eggs found in the wild now have a small chance to produce Alpha Pals
- Only wild eggs and eggs dropped by Bellanoir (10%) have a chance to appear as Alpha.
- Flying and floating Pals are now immune to falling damage
- Shop price adjustments
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where treasure chests would become empty when dying in a dungeon, etc
- Fixed an issue where the effect that increases the player's attack power while riding was duplicating and accumulating under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue where players were not receiving loot when capturing Pals while mounted
- Adjusted the HP of the Alpha Pal and fixed an issue where the difference in HP between the captured Alpha Pal and the bred Alpha Pal was too large
- Captured Tower Bosses have same HP as normal one
- Fixed an issue where Pal would eat while riding.
- Fixed an issue where spheres thrown close to wild pals would not hit and be lost
Jetragon's mount missiles will correctly attack the target you are aiming at.
- Improved various Pal models and textures
- Added and adjusted some sound effects
- Many other minor bug fixes
- Added 3 new hairstyle
Ragnahawk unable to pass player doors and dungeon doors
- NPC Pal tamers all over the place
- Wandering Merchant visit more often and selling
Pal Fluids
- Stuck Pals teleport to the
- Fast Travel icon changed
- Pal's base attack reduced from 100 to 50
- Attack Before:
- Attack After:
- for a full buffered Pal, it's about 10% nerf
- Attack Before:
Dedicated Server
- Fixed an issue where sorting did not work in the server list
- Improved the server list to allow page transitions
- Dedicated servers now support various log outputs
- Implemented REST API ※ Please check the tech guide for details
Cheat Prevention
- Fixed a vulnerability that allowed Steam account spoofing
- Fixed 7 other critical vulnerabilities
- One new song has been added to the soundtrack. If you have already purchased the soundtrack, please update and enjoy the new song! ※ Please note that the soundtrack may take a few days to update
We are planning a larger, more content-packed update for summer 2024. Enjoy never-before-seen scenery and thrilling adventures on a new island, home to many new pals. In addition, we plan to add a large amount of new content including new buildings, weapons, and tower bosses.
Thank you for your continued support of Palworld.
[Known Bug]
After the v0.2.0.6 update, it has been reported that there is an issue where eggs cannot be placed inside the Egg Incubator. We apologize for this inconvenience.
The problem can be resolved by rebuilding the incubator.
Patch Notes v0.1.5.1
Major Fixes
- Fixed various game crashes
Balance Adjustment
- Fixed a bug where breeding Pals always had fixed passives
- Fixed an issue where the increase in condensation progress was incorrect when using Pal of rank 2 or higher as a condensation material (it will increase by the number of Pals used in previous condensation)
Dungeon Issues
- Fixed an issue where the innermost door would not open after defeating the boss of a random dungeon
- Fixed an issue where the name of a Pal would not change even after renaming them
Server Issues
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to search for spaces or Japanese/Chinese characters in the server list
- Fixed so that if the server is no longer registered on the server list, it will be re-registered without needing to restart the server
- Fixed an issue where the settings to enable RCON were not loaded from the configuration file
Patch Notes v0.1.5.0
Major Fixes
- Implemented backup of save data on the world selection screen
- Resolved issue of unnecessary data accumulating in save data
Key Configuration
- Added fully supported keyboard key configuration
- Modified specification to allow guild members to be removed when not logged in
Player Issues
- Changed long-press operation during player tasks to allow continuous work by pressing the work button once (This is switchable in the options settings)
- Fixed issue where riding in prohibited hunting areas would not result in a crime
- Improved interaction accuracy with adjacent objects
- Changed specifications so that when a Pal is instructed to "attack aggressively," the Pal will attack enemies indiscriminately even if they are not in combat
- Corrected an issue to allow Pals of rank 1 or higher to be selected as concentrated material (higher-ranked Pals yield more points when concentrated)
- Fixed bug where if a large amount of experience points were gained and the level increased to 50 at once, Pals would not learn any active skills
- Mitigated an issue where using Mossanda's partner skill "Grenadier Panda" on a dungeon boss would cause the boss to get stuck in walls
Base Issues
- Fixed an issue where base Pals would get stuck on top of a logging site, etc.
- Added measures to prevent the issue where base Pals would wander around and get stuck at the border of the base area
- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base would get stuck repeatedly starting transportation tasks and the light bulbs icon would appear over and over again.
- Added measures to prevent the issue of base Pals getting stuck in the farm on a roof
- Fixed an issue where work Pals would get stuck in the summon space of Palbox when restarting the server on a dedicated server.
- Adjusted the default work priority of base Pals (Anubis will prioritize manual labour)
- Significantly relaxed building restrictions for stairs and triangular roofs
- Fixed an issue where sound would play in an infinite loop when Pals at the base used certain active skills.
- Specifications changed so that all changes in environmental temperature are added up (if you put 4 campfires next to each other, the surrounding area will have the temperature of a volcano)
- Implemented "relax" working style on the monitoring stand
Balance Adjustment
- Significantly strengthened mining power for Digtoise partner skills
- Fixed the abnormally high selling price of nails
- Significantly increased the number of police officers who appear when a crime is committed
- Added electric shock effect to Free Pal Alliance's crossbow
- Adjusted the flight distance of Sphere Launcher and Scatter Sphere Launcher.
- Increased the SAN value recovery amount of high-quality hot springs
Network Related
- Renovated the server lobby
- [Search by server name] will now work
- Added the ability to view online players on a dedicated server
*On community servers, this will only be displayed if the setting is enabled
- Fixed the issue where Day 5 Memo was not placed
- You can now adjust the in-game brightness in the settings
- Fixed many minor bugs
- Corrected various incorrect text
- Improved measures against cheating
Patch Notes v0.1.4.1
Major Fixes
Fixed an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the total number of Pals captured by the guild reached approximately 7000.
In the previous patch, save data that had already been in this state (for servers, the server's world data) remained in a broken state that made it impossible to load, but after applying this patch it will be resolved and will load properly.
Fixed an issue where some weapons equipped by other players would disappear when a player used a grenade in multiplayer.
Fixed an issue where, although the displayed capture probability increased when the capture power was strengthened with Lifmunk Effigies, the capture probability did not actually increase at all due to an internal processing bug.
Base related
- Fixed an issue where if a Pal that was manually assigned to a breeding farm went to sleep, it would not wake up forever.
- Fixed an issue where no wood would drop when Pal at the base felled a tree.
- Implemented countermeasures against some cheats and exploits.
Patch Notes v0.1.4.0
Major Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue where if another player's pal/base pal had HP 30% or less, it could be captured by using a sphere.
- Fixed an issue where enemy pals would get stuck in walls due to charge attacks.
- Implemented the first fix for an issue where the game would always crash and save data would be corrupted when the guild's total number of pals captured reached around 7000.
*The game no longer crashes even if the total number of captured objects exceeds 7000. However, save data that has already been in this state (in the case of a server, the server's world data) prior to this update will still be unable to load. We are continuing to work on fixing this issue permanently.
Key Configuration
- Added support for mouse side keys and numeric keypad in keyboard key configuration.
*Further improvements are currently planned, such as support for interact key configuration.
Player Issues
- Fixed an issue where players on dedicated servers and co-op (online) were receiving damage twice.
- Specifications have been changed so that you can move at extremely low speed even when you have exceeded the weight limit.
- Players will no longer pass through walls when dismounting.
- Fixed an issue where capture power strengthened by Lifmunk Effigies was reset when using memory reset drugs.
- Fixed an issue where armor could be equipped in the wrong slot.
- Adjusted camera positions of several Pals to make it easier to see when mounted.
Base Issues
- Specifications have been changed so that Pals who are manually assigned to a breeding farm will not become hungry and their manual assignments will not be removed.
- The key to lift Pals has been changed from F → V (Pad: X → Y) in order to prevent accidents.
- Reduced the speed and range of fire spreading on wooden buildings.
- Fixed an issue where manual work assignments could not be set at all under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where extremely high-level Relaxaurus would attack the base during raids.
- Added several measures to prevent base Pals from getting stuck.
- Fixed an issue where Pals would get stuck while transporting items and would drop them on the spot.
- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base would continue to cut down trees that were already cut.
- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base were on the verge of death due to unexplained falling damage.
- Fixed an issue where Pals at the base would float under some conditions.
- Fixed an issue where if a farm was built on the second floor or above, work pals would be unable to move on the floors below.
- Corrected incorrect text
- Measures have been added to prevent cheating and stealing other players' Pals.
- Many other minor fixes such as the addition of a UI key guide.
Patch Notes v0.1.3.0
Main changes
- Fixed a bug where the loading screen did not end when logging into the world
- Fixed a bug where the world date was not displayed correctly and appeared to reset.
- Corrected various incorrect text
- Countermeasures against various cheats and exploits