Invasão /32
Bando de Pals selvagens famintos
Weight: 1
Grade: 2 – 5
Leezpunk Lv1-2 x3
Bando de Pals selvagens devoradores de gente
Weight: 1
Grade: 6 – 9
Leezpunk Lv3-5 x2
Direhowl Lv3-5 x2
Esquadra suicida de Tocotocos
Weight: 0.4
Grade: 6 – 9
Tocotoco Lv3-5 x2
Tietes da noite para o dia
Weight: 0.1
Grade: 6 – 9
Lovander Lv5-6 x2
Bando de Pals selvagens agressivos
Weight: 1
Grade: 10 – 13
Leezpunk Lv10-13 x4
Incineram Lv13-14 x1
Esquadra suicida de Tocotocos
Weight: 0.4
Grade: 10 – 13
Tocotoco Lv12-14 x2
Manada de Relaxaurus só de passagem
Weight: 0.1
Grade: 10 – 13
Relaxaurus Lv14-14 x2
Tietes que não contêm seu amor
Weight: 0.2
Grade: 10 – 13
Lovander Lv13-14 x4
Bando de Pals selvagens ferozes
Weight: 1
Grade: 14 – 17
Leezpunk Lv24-26 x6
Incineram Lv29-31 x3
Incineram Noct Lv29-31 x1
Esquadra suicida de Tocotocos determinados
Weight: 0.4
Grade: 14 – 17
Tocotoco Lv25-27 x2
Manada de Relaxaurus famintos
Weight: 0.1
Grade: 14 – 17
Relaxaurus Lv27-27 x3
Tietes descontroladas
Weight: 0.3
Grade: 14 – 17
Lovander Lv26-27 x7
Bando de Pals voadores ávidos
Weight: 1
Grade: 14 – 17
Galeclaw Lv24-26 x3
Nitewing Lv26-27 x3
Beakon Lv26-27 x3
Os Sete Carniceiros
Weight: 0.1
Grade: 14 – 17
Bushi Lv25-27 x7
Bando de Pals selvagens muito ferozes
Weight: 1
Grade: 18 – 99
Leezpunk Lv35-37 x7
Incineram Lv37-39 x4
Incineram Noct Lv37-39 x2
Vanwyrm Cryst Lv37-39 x2
Esquadra suicida de Tocotocos inabaláveis
Weight: 0.4
Grade: 18 – 99
Tocotoco Lv36-39 x3
Manada de Relaxaurus com inanição severa
Weight: 0.1
Grade: 18 – 99
Relaxaurus Lv39-39 x4
Tietes de amor invencível
Weight: 0.4
Grade: 18 – 99
Lovander Lv38-39 x10
Bando de Pals voadores ferozes
Weight: 1
Grade: 18 – 99
Galeclaw Lv35-37 x4
Nitewing Lv37-39 x4
Beakon Lv37-39 x4
Suzaku Aqua Lv37-39 x2
Os Sete Carniceiros e Fantasmas
Weight: 0.1
Grade: 18 – 99
Bushi Lv37-39 x7
Maraith Lv37-39 x7
Patrulheiros dos Caçadores Clandestinos
Weight: 1
Grade: 2 – 5
Tropa de Batedores dos Caçadores Clandestinos
Weight: 1
Grade: 6 – 9
Tropa de Assalto dos Caçadores Clandestinos
Weight: 1
Grade: 10 – 13
Linha Dura da Associação de Proteção aos Pals
Weight: 1
Grade: 10 – 13
Extremista da Associação de Proteção aos Pals
Weight: 1
Grade: 14 – 17
Extremista dos Amigos da Chama Eterna
Weight: 1
Grade: 14 – 17
Ecoterrorista da Associação de Proteção aos Pals
Weight: 1
Grade: 18 – 99
Lyleen Lv39-39 x2
Escatologista dos Amigos da Chama Eterna
Weight: 1
Grade: 18 – 99
Reptyro Lv39-39 x2
Elite da Unidade de Pesquisas Genéticas
Weight: 1
Grade: 18 – 99
Lunaris Lv39-39 x2
Força Aliada de Massacre de Domadores de Pals
Weight: 0.1
Grade: 18 – 99


To start raids you need a few things:

  1. Unlock Ancient Technology Summoning Altar at Level 33
  2. Pal Slab
  3. Build Summoning Altar at Good Location. Battle will destroy your base. The Summoning Altar needs to be built far away from the Palbox. Using a completely new location will be necessary.


  • The destruction of the Palbox
  • 10 Minutes limit

Eclipsed Siren Bellanoir

  1. Get Bellanoir's Slab Fragment from Grass, Desert, Volcano, Snow dungeon or Sanctuary
  2. Combine 4 to 1 Bellanoir's Slab in Workbench
  3. Put Bellanoir's Slab in Summoning Altar to summon Lv30
    Eclipsed Siren Bellanoir
    (300k hp, 10 mins limit), may drop a Egg


Twilight Siren Bellanoir Libero

  1. Get Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment from Desert, Volcano, Snow dungeon or Sanctuary
  2. Combine 4 to 1 Bellanoir Libero's Slab in Workbench
  3. Put Bellanoir Libero's Slab in Summoning Altar to summon Lv50
    Twilight Siren Bellanoir Libero
    (450k + 1/3 heal hp, 60% DR, 10 mins limit), may drop a Egg


Twilight Siren (Ultra) Bellanoir Libero

  1. Get Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab from
    Twilight Siren Bellanoir Libero
  2. Put Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab in Summoning Altar to summon Lv50
    Twilight Siren (Ultra) Bellanoir Libero
    (900k + 1/3 heal hp, 75% DR, 10 mins limit)

