1 SAN-0.08
en Text
Worker Max
Wood x5 x750 Wooden Club x1 Technology Lv. 1
Wood x30 Stone x10 x2000 Bat x1 Technology Lv. 7
Wood x2 Stone x2 x1000 Hand-Held Torch x1 Technology Lv. 1
Ingot x5 Wood x20 Stone x5 x5000 Meat Cleaver x1 Technology Lv. 12
Stone x5 Wood x5 x500 Stone Pickaxe x1 Technology Lv. 1
Stone x15 Wood x20 Ingot x5 x5000 Metal Pickaxe x1 Technology Lv. 11
Stone x30 Wood x40 Refined Ingot x10 x50000 Refined Metal Pickaxe x1 Technology Lv. 34
Stone x50 Wood x100 Pal Metal Ingot x10 x200000 Pal Metal Pickaxe x1 Technology Lv. 44
Stone x5 Wood x5 x500 Stone Axe x1 Technology Lv. 1
Stone x15 Wood x20 Ingot x5 x5000 Metal Axe x1 Technology Lv. 11
Stone x30 Wood x40 Refined Ingot x10 x50000 Refined Metal Axe x1 Technology Lv. 34
Stone x50 Wood x100 Pal Metal Ingot x10 x200000 Pal Metal Axe x1 Technology Lv. 44
Wood x18 Stone x6 x1000 Stone Spear x1 Technology Lv. 4
Wood x27 Stone x12 Ingot x10 x10000 Metal Spear x1 Technology Lv. 13
Wood x36 Stone x18 Refined Ingot x10 x100000 Refined Metal Spear x1 Technology Lv. 34
Paldium Fragment x20 Refined Ingot x30 High Quality Cloth x20 Wood x50 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x300000 Lily's Spear x1 Technology Lv. 43
Ingot x20 Electric Organ x20 x30000 Stun Baton x1 Technology Lv. 22
Ingot x22 Paldium Fragment x22 Coal x22 Predator Core x3 x40000 Meowmere x1 Technology Lv. 30
Ingot x30 Wood x20 Stone x20 x50000 Katana x1 Technology Lv. 29
Refined Ingot x30 Wood x20 Stone x20 x100000 Sword x1 Technology Lv. 44
Hexolite x30 Paldium Fragment x100 Nightstar Sand x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x500000 Beam Sword x1 Technology Lv. 57
Wood x30 Stone x5 Fiber x15 x2000 Old Bow x1 Technology Lv. 3
Wood x60 Stone x10 Fiber x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x1 x8000 Old Bow x1 Old Bow Schematic 1
Wood x90 Stone x15 Fiber x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x2 x16000 Old Bow x1 Old Bow Schematic 2
Wood x135 Stone x22 Fiber x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x32000 Old Bow x1 Old Bow Schematic 3
Wood x202 Stone x33 Fiber x100 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x64000 Old Bow x1 Old Bow Schematic 4
Wood x40 Stone x8 Fiber x20 Flame Organ x2 x5000 Fire Bow x1 Technology Lv. 5
Wood x40 Stone x8 Fiber x20 Venom Gland x2 x5000 Poison Bow x1 Technology Lv. 8
Wood x50 Stone x12 Fiber x30 x8000 Three Shot Bow x1
Ingot x50 Fiber x40 Nail x20 x60000 Compound Bow x1 Technology Lv. 32
Ingot x100 Fiber x80 Nail x40 x240000 Compound Bow x1 Compound Bow Schematic 1
Ingot x200 Fiber x160 Nail x80 x480000 Compound Bow x1 Compound Bow Schematic 2
Ingot x400 Fiber x320 Nail x160 x960000 Compound Bow x1 Compound Bow Schematic 3
Ingot x800 Fiber x640 Nail x320 x1920000 Compound Bow x1 Compound Bow Schematic 4
Hexolite x40 Carbon Fiber x100 Nightstar Sand x20 x1000000 Advanced Bow x1 Technology Lv. 57
Hexolite x80 Carbon Fiber x200 Nightstar Sand x40 x4000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 1
Hexolite x120 Carbon Fiber x300 Nightstar Sand x60 x8000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 2
Hexolite x180 Carbon Fiber x450 Nightstar Sand x90 x16000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 3
Hexolite x270 Carbon Fiber x675 Nightstar Sand x135 x32000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 4
Cloth x2 x2000 Cloth Outfit x1 Technology Lv. 4
Cloth x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x1 x8000 Cloth Outfit x1 Cloth Outfit Schematic 1
Cloth x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x2 x16000 Cloth Outfit x1 Cloth Outfit Schematic 2
Cloth x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x32000 Cloth Outfit x1 Cloth Outfit Schematic 3
Cloth x13 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x64000 Cloth Outfit x1 Cloth Outfit Schematic 4
Cloth x3 Flame Organ x2 x4000 Tropical Outfit x1 Technology Lv. 9
Cloth x6 Flame Organ x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x2 x16000 Tropical Outfit x1 Tropical Outfit Schematic 1
Cloth x9 Flame Organ x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x32000 Tropical Outfit x1 Tropical Outfit Schematic 2
Cloth x13 Flame Organ x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x64000 Tropical Outfit x1 Tropical Outfit Schematic 3
Cloth x19 Flame Organ x13 Ancient Civilization Parts x12 x128000 Tropical Outfit x1 Tropical Outfit Schematic 4
Cloth x3 Ice Organ x2 x4000 Tundra Outfit x1 Technology Lv. 9
Cloth x6 Ice Organ x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x2 x16000 Tundra Outfit x1 Tundra Outfit Schematic 1
Cloth x9 Ice Organ x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x32000 Tundra Outfit x1 Tundra Outfit Schematic 2
Cloth x13 Ice Organ x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x64000 Tundra Outfit x1 Tundra Outfit Schematic 3
Cloth x19 Ice Organ x13 Ancient Civilization Parts x12 x128000 Tundra Outfit x1 Tundra Outfit Schematic 4
Leather x10 x5000 Pelt Armor x1 Technology Lv. 12
Leather x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x3 x20000 Pelt Armor x1 Pelt Armor Schematic 1
Leather x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x40000 Pelt Armor x1 Pelt Armor Schematic 2
Leather x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 x80000 Pelt Armor x1 Pelt Armor Schematic 3
Leather x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x13 x160000 Pelt Armor x1 Pelt Armor Schematic 4
Leather x15 Flame Organ x4 x10000 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Technology Lv. 16
Leather x30 Flame Organ x8 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x40000 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 1
Leather x45 Flame Organ x12 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x80000 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 2
Leather x67 Flame Organ x18 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x160000 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 3
Leather x100 Flame Organ x27 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x320000 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 4
Leather x15 Ice Organ x4 x10000 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Technology Lv. 18
Leather x30 Ice Organ x8 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x40000 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 1
Leather x45 Ice Organ x12 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x80000 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 2
Leather x67 Ice Organ x18 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x160000 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 3
Leather x100 Ice Organ x27 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x320000 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pelt Armor Schematic 4
Ingot x30 Leather x10 Cloth x5 x20000 Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 23
Ingot x60 Leather x20 Cloth x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x80000 Metal Armor x1 Metal Armor Schematic 1
Ingot x90 Leather x30 Cloth x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x160000 Metal Armor x1 Metal Armor Schematic 2
Ingot x135 Leather x45 Cloth x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x320000 Metal Armor x1 Metal Armor Schematic 3
Ingot x202 Leather x67 Cloth x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x640000 Metal Armor x1 Metal Armor Schematic 4
Ingot x40 Leather x13 Cloth x8 Flame Organ x8 x40000 Heat Resistant Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 25
Ingot x80 Leather x26 Cloth x16 Flame Organ x16 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x160000 Heat Resistant Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 1
Ingot x120 Leather x39 Cloth x24 Flame Organ x24 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 x320000 Heat Resistant Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 2
Ingot x180 Leather x58 Cloth x36 Flame Organ x36 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x640000 Heat Resistant Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 3
Ingot x270 Leather x87 Cloth x54 Flame Organ x54 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1280000 Heat Resistant Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 4
Ingot x40 Leather x13 Cloth x8 Ice Organ x8 x40000 Cold Resistant Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 27
Ingot x80 Leather x26 Cloth x16 Ice Organ x16 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x160000 Cold Resistant Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 1
Ingot x120 Leather x39 Cloth x24 Ice Organ x24 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 x320000 Cold Resistant Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 2
Ingot x180 Leather x58 Cloth x36 Ice Organ x36 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x640000 Cold Resistant Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 3
Ingot x270 Leather x87 Cloth x54 Ice Organ x54 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1280000 Cold Resistant Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Metal Armor Schematic 4
Refined Ingot x30 Leather x15 High Quality Cloth x2 x50000 Refined Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 37
Refined Ingot x60 Leather x30 High Quality Cloth x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x200000 Refined Metal Armor x1 Refined Metal Armor Schematic 1
Refined Ingot x90 Leather x45 High Quality Cloth x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x400000 Refined Metal Armor x1 Refined Metal Armor Schematic 2
Refined Ingot x135 Leather x67 High Quality Cloth x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x800000 Refined Metal Armor x1 Refined Metal Armor Schematic 3
Refined Ingot x202 Leather x100 High Quality Cloth x13 Ancient Civilization Parts x16 x1600000 Refined Metal Armor x1 Refined Metal Armor Schematic 4
Refined Ingot x40 Leather x20 High Quality Cloth x3 Flame Organ x12 x70000 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 40
Refined Ingot x80 Leather x40 High Quality Cloth x6 Flame Organ x24 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 x280000 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 1
Refined Ingot x120 Leather x60 High Quality Cloth x9 Flame Organ x36 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x560000 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 2
Refined Ingot x180 Leather x90 High Quality Cloth x13 Flame Organ x54 Ancient Civilization Parts x11 x1120000 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 3
Refined Ingot x270 Leather x135 High Quality Cloth x19 Flame Organ x81 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x2240000 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 4
Refined Ingot x40 Leather x20 High Quality Cloth x3 Ice Organ x12 x70000 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 41
Refined Ingot x80 Leather x40 High Quality Cloth x6 Ice Organ x24 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 x280000 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 1
Refined Ingot x120 Leather x60 High Quality Cloth x9 Ice Organ x36 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x560000 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 2
Refined Ingot x180 Leather x90 High Quality Cloth x13 Ice Organ x54 Ancient Civilization Parts x11 x1120000 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 3
Refined Ingot x270 Leather x135 High Quality Cloth x19 Ice Organ x81 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x2240000 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Refined Metal Armor Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x20 Leather x20 High Quality Cloth x4 x150000 Pal Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 46
Pal Metal Ingot x40 Leather x40 High Quality Cloth x8 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x600000 Pal Metal Armor x1 Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x60 Leather x60 High Quality Cloth x12 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x1200000 Pal Metal Armor x1 Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x90 Leather x90 High Quality Cloth x18 Ancient Civilization Parts x12 x2400000 Pal Metal Armor x1 Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x135 Leather x135 High Quality Cloth x27 Ancient Civilization Parts x18 x4800000 Pal Metal Armor x1 Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x30 Leather x30 High Quality Cloth x6 Flame Organ x16 x200000 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 48
Pal Metal Ingot x60 Leather x60 High Quality Cloth x12 Flame Organ x32 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x800000 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x90 Leather x90 High Quality Cloth x18 Flame Organ x48 Ancient Civilization Parts x11 x1600000 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x135 Leather x135 High Quality Cloth x27 Flame Organ x72 Ancient Civilization Parts x13 x3200000 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x202 Leather x202 High Quality Cloth x40 Flame Organ x108 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x6400000 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x30 Leather x30 High Quality Cloth x6 Ice Organ x16 x200000 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Technology Lv. 50
Pal Metal Ingot x60 Leather x60 High Quality Cloth x12 Ice Organ x32 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x800000 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x90 Leather x90 High Quality Cloth x18 Ice Organ x48 Ancient Civilization Parts x11 x1600000 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x135 Leather x135 High Quality Cloth x27 Ice Organ x72 Ancient Civilization Parts x13 x3200000 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x202 Leather x202 High Quality Cloth x40 Ice Organ x108 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x6400000 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor x1 Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic 4
Plasteel x30 Pal Metal Ingot x30 High Quality Cloth x10 x300000 Plasteel Armor x1 Technology Lv. 50
Plasteel x60 Pal Metal Ingot x60 High Quality Cloth x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1200000 Plasteel Armor x1 Plasteel Armor Schematic 1
Plasteel x90 Pal Metal Ingot x90 High Quality Cloth x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x2400000 Plasteel Armor x1 Plasteel Armor Schematic 2
Plasteel x135 Pal Metal Ingot x135 High Quality Cloth x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x4800000 Plasteel Armor x1 Plasteel Armor Schematic 3
Plasteel x202 Pal Metal Ingot x202 High Quality Cloth x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x9600000 Plasteel Armor x1 Plasteel Armor Schematic 4
Plasteel x30 Pal Metal Ingot x30 High Quality Cloth x10 Flame Organ x20 x400000 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Technology Lv. 53
Plasteel x60 Pal Metal Ingot x60 High Quality Cloth x20 Flame Organ x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1600000 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 1
Plasteel x90 Pal Metal Ingot x90 High Quality Cloth x30 Flame Organ x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x3200000 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 2
Plasteel x135 Pal Metal Ingot x135 High Quality Cloth x45 Flame Organ x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x6400000 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 3
Plasteel x202 Pal Metal Ingot x202 High Quality Cloth x67 Flame Organ x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x12800000 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 4
Plasteel x30 Pal Metal Ingot x30 High Quality Cloth x10 Ice Organ x20 x400000 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Technology Lv. 54
Plasteel x60 Pal Metal Ingot x60 High Quality Cloth x20 Ice Organ x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1600000 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 1
Plasteel x90 Pal Metal Ingot x90 High Quality Cloth x30 Ice Organ x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x3200000 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 2
Plasteel x135 Pal Metal Ingot x135 High Quality Cloth x45 Ice Organ x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x6400000 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 3
Plasteel x202 Pal Metal Ingot x202 High Quality Cloth x67 Ice Organ x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x12800000 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor x1 Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor Schematic 4
Plasteel x30 Pal Metal Ingot x30 High Quality Cloth x10 x400000 Lightweight Plasteel Armor x1 Technology Lv. 55
Plasteel x60 Pal Metal Ingot x60 High Quality Cloth x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1600000 Lightweight Plasteel Armor x1 Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 1
Plasteel x90 Pal Metal Ingot x90 High Quality Cloth x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x3200000 Lightweight Plasteel Armor x1 Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 2
Plasteel x135 Pal Metal Ingot x135 High Quality Cloth x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x6400000 Lightweight Plasteel Armor x1 Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 3
Plasteel x202 Pal Metal Ingot x202 High Quality Cloth x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x12800000 Lightweight Plasteel Armor x1 Lightweight Plasteel Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 x1000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 57
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x150 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x8000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x225 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x16000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x337 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x32000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 Flame Organ x30 x1100000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 59
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Flame Organ x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4400000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x150 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Flame Organ x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x8800000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x225 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Flame Organ x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x17600000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x337 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Flame Organ x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x35200000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 Ice Organ x30 x1100000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 59
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Ice Organ x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4400000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x150 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Ice Organ x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x8800000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x225 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Ice Organ x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x17600000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x337 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Ice Organ x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x35200000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 x1200000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 60
Hexolite x200 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4800000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x300 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x9600000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x450 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x19200000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x675 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x38400000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Fiber x10 Paldium Fragment x5 x3000 Feathered Hair Band x1 Technology Lv. 10
Fiber x20 Paldium Fragment x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x3 x12000 Feathered Hair Band x1 Feathered Hair Band Schematic 1
Fiber x30 Paldium Fragment x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x24000 Feathered Hair Band x1 Feathered Hair Band Schematic 2
Fiber x45 Paldium Fragment x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 x48000 Feathered Hair Band x1 Feathered Hair Band Schematic 3
Fiber x67 Paldium Fragment x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x13 x96000 Feathered Hair Band x1 Feathered Hair Band Schematic 4
Ingot x20 Paldium Fragment x10 x15000 Metal Helm x1 Technology Lv. 23
Ingot x40 Paldium Fragment x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x60000 Metal Helm x1 Metal Helm Schematic 1
Ingot x60 Paldium Fragment x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x120000 Metal Helm x1 Metal Helm Schematic 2
Ingot x90 Paldium Fragment x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x240000 Metal Helm x1 Metal Helm Schematic 3
Ingot x135 Paldium Fragment x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x480000 Metal Helm x1 Metal Helm Schematic 4
Refined Ingot x20 Paldium Fragment x15 x40000 Refined Metal Helm x1 Technology Lv. 37
Refined Ingot x40 Paldium Fragment x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 x160000 Refined Metal Helm x1 Refined Metal Helm Schematic 1
Refined Ingot x60 Paldium Fragment x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x320000 Refined Metal Helm x1 Refined Metal Helm Schematic 2
Refined Ingot x90 Paldium Fragment x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x11 x640000 Refined Metal Helm x1 Refined Metal Helm Schematic 3
Refined Ingot x135 Paldium Fragment x100 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x1280000 Refined Metal Helm x1 Refined Metal Helm Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x20 Paldium Fragment x20 x120000 Pal Metal Helm x1 Technology Lv. 46
Pal Metal Ingot x40 Paldium Fragment x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x9 x480000 Pal Metal Helm x1 Pal Metal Helm Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x60 Paldium Fragment x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x11 x960000 Pal Metal Helm x1 Pal Metal Helm Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x90 Paldium Fragment x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x13 x1920000 Pal Metal Helm x1 Pal Metal Helm Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x135 Paldium Fragment x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x3840000 Pal Metal Helm x1 Pal Metal Helm Schematic 4
Plasteel x20 Pal Metal Ingot x25 x200000 Plasteel Helmet x1 Technology Lv. 51
Plasteel x40 Pal Metal Ingot x50 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x800000 Plasteel Helmet x1 Plasteel Helmet Schematic 1
Plasteel x60 Pal Metal Ingot x75 Ancient Civilization Parts x17 x1600000 Plasteel Helmet x1 Plasteel Helmet Schematic 2
Plasteel x90 Pal Metal Ingot x112 Ancient Civilization Parts x19 x3200000 Plasteel Helmet x1 Plasteel Helmet Schematic 3
Plasteel x135 Pal Metal Ingot x168 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x6400000 Plasteel Helmet x1 Plasteel Helmet Schematic 4
Hexolite x40 Plasteel x15 x400000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Technology Lv. 58
Hexolite x80 Plasteel x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1600000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 1
Hexolite x120 Plasteel x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x3200000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 2
Hexolite x180 Plasteel x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x6400000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 3
Hexolite x270 Plasteel x100 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x12800000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 4
Ingot x20 Cloth x3 x15000 Monarch's Crown x1 Monarch's Crown Schematic 1
Ingot x30 Cloth x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x30000 Monarch's Crown x1 Monarch's Crown Schematic 2
Ingot x45 Cloth x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x60000 Monarch's Crown x1 Monarch's Crown Schematic 3
Ingot x67 Cloth x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x120000 Monarch's Crown x1 Monarch's Crown Schematic 4
Ingot x100 Cloth x13 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x240000 Monarch's Crown x1 Blueprint of the King's Crown 5
Ingot x25 x15000 Golden Crown x1 Golden Crown Schematic 1
Ingot x37 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x30000 Golden Crown x1 Golden Crown Schematic 2
Ingot x55 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x60000 Golden Crown x1 Golden Crown Schematic 3
Ingot x82 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x120000 Golden Crown x1 Golden Crown Schematic 4
Ingot x123 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x240000 Golden Crown x1 Blueprint for Golden Crown 5
Cloth x12 Ingot x2 x10000 Long-Eared Headband x1 Long-Eared Headband Schematic 1
Cloth x18 Ingot x3 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Long-Eared Headband x1 Long-Eared Headband Schematic 2
Cloth x27 Ingot x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Long-Eared Headband x1 Long-Eared Headband Schematic 3
Cloth x40 Ingot x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Long-Eared Headband x1 Long-Eared Headband Schematic 4
Cloth x60 Ingot x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Long-Eared Headband x1 5 Blueprints of Long-eared Headband
Cloth x10 Ingot x3 x10000 Witch Hat x1 Witch Hat Schematic 1
Cloth x15 Ingot x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Witch Hat x1 Witch Hat Schematic 2
Cloth x22 Ingot x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Witch Hat x1 Witch Hat Schematic 3
Cloth x33 Ingot x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Witch Hat x1 Witch Hat Schematic 4
Cloth x49 Ingot x13 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Witch Hat x1 Design of Witch Hat No. 5
Cloth x10 Fiber x10 x12000 Soft Hat x1 Soft Hat Schematic 1
Cloth x15 Fiber x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x24000 Soft Hat x1 Soft Hat Schematic 2
Cloth x22 Fiber x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x48000 Soft Hat x1 Soft Hat Schematic 3
Cloth x33 Fiber x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x96000 Soft Hat x1 Soft Hat Schematic 4
Cloth x49 Fiber x49 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x192000 Soft Hat x1 Blueprint of Soft Hat 5
Ingot x20 Wool x5 x15000 Helmet x1 Helmet Schematic 1
Ingot x30 Wool x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x30000 Helmet x1 Helmet Schematic 2
Ingot x45 Wool x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x60000 Helmet x1 Helmet Schematic 3
Ingot x67 Wool x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x120000 Helmet x1 Helmet Schematic 4
Ingot x100 Wool x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x240000 Helmet x1 Blueprint of Helmet 5
Cloth x15 x12000 Silk Hat x1 Silk Hat Schematic 1
Cloth x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x24000 Silk Hat x1 Silk Hat Schematic 2
Cloth x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x48000 Silk Hat x1 Silk Hat Schematic 3
Cloth x49 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x96000 Silk Hat x1 Silk Hat Schematic 4
Cloth x73 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x192000 Silk Hat x1 5 Schematic Diagrams of the Silk Hat
Leather x10 x12000 Tricorne x1 Tricorne Schematic 1
Leather x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x24000 Tricorne x1 Tricorne Schematic 2
Leather x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x48000 Tricorne x1 Tricorne Schematic 3
Leather x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x96000 Tricorne x1 Tricorne Schematic 4
Leather x49 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x192000 Tricorne x1 Blueprint of the Tricorn Hat 5
Cloth x10 Leather x3 Ingot x2 x12000 Explorer Cap x1 Exploration Cap Schematic 1
Cloth x15 Leather x4 Ingot x3 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x24000 Explorer Cap x1 Exploration Cap Schematic 2
Cloth x22 Leather x6 Ingot x4 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x48000 Explorer Cap x1 Exploration Cap Schematic 3
Cloth x33 Leather x9 Ingot x6 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x96000 Explorer Cap x1 Exploration Cap Schematic 4
Cloth x49 Leather x13 Ingot x9 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x192000 Explorer Cap x1 Blueprint of Exploration Hat 5
Cloth x20 Fiber x10 x15000 Graduation Cap x1 Graduation Cap Schematic 1
Cloth x30 Fiber x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x30000 Graduation Cap x1 Graduation Cap Schematic 2
Cloth x45 Fiber x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x60000 Graduation Cap x1 Graduation Cap Schematic 3
Cloth x67 Fiber x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x120000 Graduation Cap x1 Graduation Cap Schematic 4
Cloth x100 Fiber x49 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x240000 Graduation Cap x1 Blueprint 5 of University Hat
Fiber x30 Wood x10 x10000 Farming Hat x1 Farming Hat Schematic 1
Fiber x45 Wood x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Farming Hat x1 Farming Hat Schematic 2
Fiber x67 Wood x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Farming Hat x1 Farming Hat Schematic 3
Fiber x100 Wood x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Farming Hat x1 Farming Hat Schematic 4
Fiber x150 Wood x49 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Farming Hat x1 5 Diagrams of Agricultural Hat
Cloth x15 x10000 Bowler Hat x1 Bowler Hat Schematic 1
Cloth x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Bowler Hat x1 Bowler Hat Schematic 2
Cloth x33 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Bowler Hat x1 Bowler Hat Schematic 3
Cloth x49 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Bowler Hat x1 Bowler Hat Schematic 4
Cloth x73 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Bowler Hat x1 Blueprint of Bowler Hat 5
Tocotoco Feather x5 x10000 Tocotoco Cap x1 Tocotoco Cap Schematic 1
Tocotoco Feather x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Tocotoco Cap x1 Tocotoco Cap Schematic 2
Tocotoco Feather x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Tocotoco Cap x1 Tocotoco Cap Schematic 3
Tocotoco Feather x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Tocotoco Cap x1 Tocotoco Cap Schematic 4
Tocotoco Feather x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Tocotoco Cap x1 Design Plan 5 for the Crutchli Hat
Tocotoco Feather x5 x10000 Grinning Tocotoco Cap x1 Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 1
Tocotoco Feather x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Grinning Tocotoco Cap x1 Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 2
Tocotoco Feather x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Grinning Tocotoco Cap x1 Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 3
Tocotoco Feather x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Grinning Tocotoco Cap x1 Grinning Tocotoco Cap Schematic 4
Tocotoco Feather x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Grinning Tocotoco Cap x1 Grinning Curly Hat Blueprint 5
Gumoss Leaf x5 x10000 Gumoss Cap x1 Gumoss Cap Schematic 1
Gumoss Leaf x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Gumoss Cap x1 Gumoss Cap Schematic 2
Gumoss Leaf x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Gumoss Cap x1 Gumoss Cap Schematic 3
Gumoss Leaf x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Gumoss Cap x1 Gumoss Cap Schematic 4
Gumoss Leaf x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Gumoss Cap x1 5 Blueprints of Naemochi Hat
Penking Plume x5 x10000 Penking Cap x1 Penking Cap Schematic 1
Penking Plume x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Penking Cap x1 Penking Cap Schematic 2
Penking Plume x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Penking Cap x1 Penking Cap Schematic 3
Penking Plume x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Penking Cap x1 Penking Cap Schematic 4
Penking Plume x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Penking Cap x1 Blueprint of Capppen Hat 5
Katress Hair x5 x10000 Katress Cap x1 Katress Cap Schematic 1
Katress Hair x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Katress Cap x1 Katress Cap Schematic 2
Katress Hair x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Katress Cap x1 Katress Cap Schematic 3
Katress Hair x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Katress Cap x1 Katress Cap Schematic 4
Katress Hair x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Katress Cap x1 Design Blueprint of Clemence Hat 5
Ribbuny Ribbon x5 x10000 Ribbuny Headband x1 Ribbuny Headband Schematic 1
Ribbuny Ribbon x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Ribbuny Headband x1 Ribbuny Headband Schematic 2
Ribbuny Ribbon x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Ribbuny Headband x1 Ribbuny Headband Schematic 3
Ribbuny Ribbon x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Ribbuny Headband x1 Ribbuny Headband Schematic 4
Ribbuny Ribbon x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Ribbuny Headband x1 Blueprint_HeadEquip028_5
Leezpunk Crest x5 x10000 Leezpunk Hood x1 Leezpunk Hood Schematic 1
Leezpunk Crest x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Leezpunk Hood x1 Leezpunk Hood Schematic 2
Leezpunk Crest x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Leezpunk Hood x1 Leezpunk Hood Schematic 3
Leezpunk Crest x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Leezpunk Hood x1 Leezpunk Hood Schematic 4
Leezpunk Crest x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Leezpunk Hood x1 Blueprint_HeadEquip025_5
Killamari Tentacle x5 x10000 Killamari Cap x1 Killamari Cap Schematic 1
Killamari Tentacle x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Killamari Cap x1 Killamari Cap Schematic 2
Killamari Tentacle x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Killamari Cap x1 Killamari Cap Schematic 3
Killamari Tentacle x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Killamari Cap x1 Killamari Cap Schematic 4
Killamari Tentacle x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Killamari Cap x1 Blueprint_HeadEquip026_5
Swee Hair x5 x10000 Swee Cap x1 Swee Cap Schematic 1
Swee Hair x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Swee Cap x1 Swee Cap Schematic 2
Swee Hair x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Swee Cap x1 Swee Cap Schematic 3
Swee Hair x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Swee Cap x1 Swee Cap Schematic 4
Swee Hair x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Swee Cap x1 Blueprint_HeadEquip031_5
Dazzi Cloud x5 x10000 Dazzi Hat x1 Dazzi Hat Schematic 1
Dazzi Cloud x7 Ancient Civilization Parts x4 x20000 Dazzi Hat x1 Dazzi Hat Schematic 2
Dazzi Cloud x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x6 x40000 Dazzi Hat x1 Dazzi Hat Schematic 3
Dazzi Cloud x15 Ancient Civilization Parts x8 x80000 Dazzi Hat x1 Dazzi Hat Schematic 4
Dazzi Cloud x22 Ancient Civilization Parts x14 x160000 Dazzi Hat x1 Blueprint_HeadEquip032_5
Wood x1 Stone x1 x1000 Arrow x3 Technology Lv. 3
Wood x3 Stone x3 Flame Organ x1 x4000 Fire Arrow x5 Technology Lv. 5
Wood x3 Stone x3 Venom Gland x1 x4000 Poison Arrow x5 Technology Lv. 8
Ingot x1 Stone x2 x5000 Reinforced Arrow x3 Technology Lv. 32
Hexolite x1 Stone x10 x40000 Advanced Arrow x10 Technology Lv. 57
Ingot x2 Gunpowder x1 x40000 Coarse Ammo x20 Technology Lv. 21
Ingot x2 Gunpowder x1 x40000 Handgun Ammo x10 Technology Lv. 28
Refined Ingot x1 Gunpowder x2 x40000 Rifle Ammo x5 Technology Lv. 36
Refined Ingot x1 Gunpowder x3 x50000 Shotgun Shell x5 Technology Lv. 39
Refined Ingot x1 Gunpowder x2 x40000 Assault Rifle Ammo x5 Technology Lv. 45
Pal Metal Ingot x1 Gunpowder x5 x50000 Rocket Ammo x1 Technology Lv. 49
Crude Oil x1 x100000 Flamethrower Fuel x5 Technology Lv. 52
Electric Organ x5 Pal Metal Ingot x1 x200000 Energy Cartridge x5 Technology Lv. 51
Pal Metal Ingot x1 Fiber x20 Gunpowder x3 x100000 Grenade Ammo x3 Technology Lv. 53
Pal Metal Ingot x1 Crude Oil x1 Circuit Board x1 Pal Fluids x1 x200000 Missile Ammo x1 Technology Lv. 55
Pal Metal Ingot x1 Gunpowder x3 x100000 Gatling Gun Ammo x5 Technology Lv. 54
Electric Organ x5 Plasteel x1 x200000 Laser Gatling Cartridge x10 Technology Lv. 58
Electric Organ x10 Hexolite x1 x200000 Plasma Cartridge x5 Technology Lv. 60
Meteorite Fragment x2 x30000 Meteorite Ammo x1 Technology Lv. 38
Pal Fluids x1 High Quality Pal Oil x1 x500 Decal Ink x10 Technology Lv. 44
Wool x2 x500 Cloth x1 Technology Lv. 3
Wool x10 x5000 High Quality Cloth x1 Technology Lv. 36
Charcoal x2 Sulfur x1 x3000 Gunpowder x1 Technology Lv. 21
Ingot x1 x3000 Nail x2 Technology Lv. 10
Pure Quartz x4 Polymer x2 x30000 Circuit Board x1 Technology Lv. 35
High Quality Pal Oil x2 x10000 Polymer x1 Technology Lv. 33
Stone x50 Bone x1 Pal Fluids x1 x30000 Cement x10 Technology Lv. 19
Coal x2 x10000 Carbon Fiber x1 Technology Lv. 35
Charcoal x5 x10000 Carbon Fiber x1 Technology Lv. 35
Fiber x5 Stone x5 x500 Repair Kit x1 Technology Lv. 3
Bellanoir's Slab Fragment x4 x10000 Bellanoir's Slab x1 Bellanoir's Slab Fragment
Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment x4 x100000 Bellanoir Libero's Slab x1 Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragment
Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Fragment x4 x500000 Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab x1 Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) Slab Fragment
Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragment x4 x100000 Blazamut Ryu Slab x1 Blazamut Ryu Slab Fragment
Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Fragment x4 x500000 Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab x1 Blazamut Ryu (Ultra) Slab Fragment
Xenolord Slab Fragment x4 x100000 Xenolord Slab x1 Xenolord Slab Fragment
Xenolord (Ultra) Slab Fragment x4 x500000 Xenolord (Ultra) Slab x1 Xenolord (Ultra) Slab Fragment
Weapon Armor Armor Consume Ammo Material
ArmorBody ArmorHead ConsumeBandage ConsumeBullet WeaponMelee WeaponBow ConsumeOther MaterialProccessing
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