Material /161
High Quality Cloth woven from a large amount of Wool.
Required to create high quality armor.
A plant that blooms colorful flowers.
Can be used to make Suspicious Juice and Strange Juice.
Seeds that produce Red Berries.
Necessary for starting a farm.
Can be obtained when picking Red Berries.
A material that can be processed into various products.
Obtained by installing a Crude Oil Extractor in an oil field.
A Huge Common Egg.
A gentle spirit throbs within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Scorching Egg.
A blazing spirit burns within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Damp Egg.
A tranquil spirit sways within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Verdant Egg.
A verdant spirit grows within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Huge Electric Egg.
A raging spirit grows within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Huge Frozen Egg.
A frigid spirit stirs within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Huge Rocky Egg.
An earthly spirit resounds within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Dark Egg.
A shadowy spirit cries within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Dragon Egg.
A solemn spirit echoes within—as if a monster is about to be born.
Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A spirit left behind by a small Pal.
It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
A spirit left behind by a large Pal.
It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
Cement used for creating structures and more.
Can be produced in a High Quality Workbench.
Feathers dropped from a Tocotoco.
Used to make clothing, as the beautifully vivid colors are quite popular.
Fragment of a rock from outer space.
Contains large amounts of Paldium Fragment,
which can be extracted by placing it in a Crusher.
A mysterious coin. Apparently there are people who collect these.
A Mimog will usually have them, but
for some reason, they cannot be obtained by butchering it.
The soul left behind by a highly trained Pal.
It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
An alloy of Chromite, Ingot, and Hexolite Quartz.
Used as materials for advanced equipment and structures.