Material /161

Currency traded on Palpagos Island. Can be exchanged for items or Pals with merchants.
Charcoal made from burning Wood. It can be combined with Sulfur to create Gunpowder.
Cloth woven from Wool. Required to create armor.
High Quality Cloth woven from a large amount of Wool. Required to create high quality armor.
Coal often found in caves and other places. Required to create high quality metal.
A material required to create metal weapons and armor. Refined from Ore using a furnace.
Becomes an ingot when refined using a furnace. Can be found in caves and other places. There are rumors of Pals capable of detecting ore.
Fiber collected from trees. A material used when creating bows, etc.
Gunpowder used to fire ammunition. Required to make bullets.
Nutrition1 SAN5
A plant that blooms colorful flowers. Can be used to make Suspicious Juice and Strange Juice.
A material required to create high quality metal weapons and armor. Refined from Ore and Coal using a furnace.
Leather taken from a Pal, it serves as a defensive material. It can be obtained from certain Pals.
Necessary for building various facilities. Can be made with a Primitive Workbench.
Required to create precision equipment. Can be made with a Production Assembly Line.
Material required to create weapons and armor using Pal Metal. Made stronger by creating an alloy from metal and Paldium.
Material for structures and items. Can be obtained by mining rocks.
Crystallized energy from the World Tree. Capable of creating supernatural items and structures.
Seeds that produce Red Berries. Necessary for starting a farm. Can be obtained when picking Red Berries.
Seeds that produce Tomato. Necessary for starting a farm. Can be purchased from a merchant.
Seeds that produce Lettuce. Necessary for starting a farm. Can be purchased from a merchant.
Seeds that produce Wheat. Necessary for starting a farm. Can be purchased from a merchant.
Material for structures and items. Can be obtained by cutting trees.
Material sheared from sheep Pals. A necessity for creating bedding, Cloth and more.
A material that can be processed into various products. Obtained by installing a Crude Oil Extractor in an oil field.
Plasteel created by processing Crude Oil and metal. Can be produced in a Electric Furnace.
A gemstone that glows red. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
A gemstone that glows blue. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
A gemstone that glows green. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
A rare gemstone that glows brilliantly. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
A Common Egg. Something gentle moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Common Egg. Something gentle moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Common Egg. A calm rhythm beats within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Common Egg. A calm rhythm beats within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Common Egg. A gentle spirit throbs within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Scorching Egg. Something hot moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Scorching Egg. Something hot moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Scorching Egg. Passion burns from within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Scorching Egg. Passion burns from within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Scorching Egg. A blazing spirit burns within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Damp Egg. Something swims within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Damp Egg. Something swims within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Damp Egg. Purity swirls within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Damp Egg. Purity swirls within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Damp Egg. A tranquil spirit sways within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Verdant Egg. Something lively moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Verdant Egg. Something lively moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Verdant Egg. A strong life force dwells within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Verdant Egg. A strong life force dwells within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Verdant Egg. A verdant spirit grows within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Electric Egg. Something energetic moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Electric Egg. Something energetic moves within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Electric Egg. A pulsing energy stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Electric Egg. A pulsing energy stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Huge Electric Egg. A raging spirit grows within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Frozen Egg. Something cold stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Frozen Egg. Something cold stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Frozen Egg. An icy pulse pounds within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Frozen Egg. An icy pulse pounds within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Huge Frozen Egg. A frigid spirit stirs within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Rocky Egg. Something calm stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Rocky Egg. Something calm stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Rocky Egg. A dignified rumble drums within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Rocky Egg. A dignified rumble drums within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Huge Rocky Egg. An earthly spirit resounds within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Dark Egg. Something chaotic stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Dark Egg. Something chaotic stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Dark Egg. A vicious wail howls within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Large Dark Egg. A vicious wail howls within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Dark Egg. A shadowy spirit cries within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Dragon Egg. Something mischievous stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Dragon Egg. Something mischievous stirs within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Dragon Egg. A strange movement pulses within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
An Large Dragon Egg. A strange movement pulses within. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
A Huge Dragon Egg. A solemn spirit echoes within—as if a monster is about to be born. Place in a Egg Incubator to incubate it.
Debris excavated from ancient ruins. Contains abundant information on lost technology. Extremely valuable, people from all walks of life are now seeking such crystals.
A spirit left behind by a small Pal. It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
A spirit left behind by a Pal. It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
A spirit left behind by a large Pal. It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
Sulfur that can be found in volcanoes and such. Necessary for making Gunpowder.
Pure Quartz often found in snowy fields and similar places. Required to create Circuit Board.
High-quality oil that can be extracted from Pal. Necessary for making Polymer.
Made from refined oil. Required for producing various advanced items such as rifles.
Material obtainable from Electric Pals. It stores electricity, but requires caution when used.
Material obtainable from poisonous Pals. Can be used to make Poison Arrow and more.
Material obtainable from Fire Pals. Can be used to make Fire Arrow and more.
Material obtainable from Ice Pals. Can be used to make Ice Mine and more.
Bone collected from Pals. A valuable source of premium calcium.
Cement used for creating structures and more. Can be produced in a High Quality Workbench.
A lightweight yet sturdy material. Used to create armor among other equipment.
Horn collected from Pals. Used to create medicines and more.
Body fluids taken from a Pal. Useful for its high viscosity.
Feathers dropped from a Tocotoco. Used to make clothing, as the beautifully vivid colors are quite popular.
Leaf dropped from a Gumoss. Fresh and sticky, it is used to make clothing.
Plume dropped from a Penking. Bright and colorful, it is used to make clothing.
Hair dropped from a Katress. Soft and supple, it is used to make clothing.
A gemstone-like ball collected from Pals. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
Glittering feathers collected from Pals. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
A heart that never stops beating collected from Pals. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
Extremely sharp claws collected from Pals. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
Fluffy fur collected from Pals. Can be sold to a merchant for a high price.
Core from technology that was lost long ago. Nearly impossible to find on the Palpagos Islands, it contains a wealth of forgotten knowledge.
Small green flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Vital Remedy.
Small yellow flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Stamina Remedy.
Small red flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Might Remedy.
Small orange flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Speed Remedy.
Small purple flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Burden Remedy.
Ribbon dropped from a Ribbuny. Cute in color and design, it is used to make clothing.
Hair dropped from a Swee. Fluffy and soft, it is used to make clothing.
Tentacle dropped from a Killamari. Strange in texture, it is used to make clothing.
Cloud dropped from a Dazzi. Soft and fluffy, it is used to make clothing.
Crest dropped from a Leezpunk. Sharp and pointy, it is used to make clothing.
Large green flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Vital Elixir.
Large yellow flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Stamina Elixir.
Large red flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Might Elixir.
Large orange flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Speed Elixir.
Large purple flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Burden Elixir.
Fragment of a rock from outer space. Contains large amounts of Paldium Fragment, which can be extracted by placing it in a Crusher.
A mysterious coin. Apparently there are people who collect these. A Mimog will usually have them, but for some reason, they cannot be obtained by butchering it.
The soul left behind by a highly trained Pal. It can draw out hidden abilities if offered to a Statue of Power.
Seeds that produce Potato. Necessary for starting a farm.
Seeds that produce Carrot. Necessary for starting a farm.
Seeds that produce Onion. Necessary for starting a farm.
Core dropped by Predator Pals. It is filled with mysterious energy.
A token of having defeated a bounty target. By giving it to a Vigilante Bounty Officer in villages or towns, it can be exchanged for a reward.
An ancient manuscript written on Pal hide. It may be found by Pals during expeditions. Required for advancing research.
A type of metal buried underground. It can be detected with a Metal Detector on certain islands.
An alloy of Chromite, Ingot, and Hexolite Quartz. Used as materials for advanced equipment and structures.
Sand that can be found in the desert at night. Used as a material for crafting certain accessories and other items.
Dropped by some powerful Dark Pals. Used as a material for crafting powerful accessories and other items.
A rare crystal found only in Feybreak. Over many years, Paladium has condensed and transformed, now shining with a rainbow-like glow.
Animal Skin
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A material required to start a fire. Can sometimes be found when excavating rocks.
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Crystals of PAL crystal
A mysterious stone that can strengthen the pal. By offering it to the statue of the goddess, it brings out her hidden talents.
A mysterious stone that can strengthen the pal. By offering it to the statue of the goddess, it brings out her hidden talents.
A mysterious stone that can strengthen the pal. By offering it to the statue of the goddess, it brings out her hidden talents.
A mysterious stone that can strengthen the pal. By offering it to the statue of the goddess, it brings out her hidden talents.
Animal dung. An essential part of any ecosystem, and can even be used as fertilizer. It smells awful, to say the least.
It has an intimidating presence. Whether it's the scent or the shape, this is the mark of a heavyweight.
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Pulverized remnants of some kind of biological tissue. Leftover residue from butchering a genetically reconstructed Pal, it serves no purpose and can only be sold or discarded.