Dungeons /9
Alpha Pal Source /129
Coward of the Steppe Lifmunk
Wild Egg Lv.1
Revealer of Paths Foxparks
Wild Egg Lv.1
Icy Blossom Voyager Foxparks Cryst
Wild Egg Lv.1
Livewire Tabby Sparkit
Wild Egg Lv.1
Dexterous Primate Tanzee
Wild Egg Lv.1
Chief of the Herd Rooby
Wild Egg Lv.1
Ate Too Much Pengullet
Wild Egg Lv.1
Don't Touch! Jolthog
Wild Egg Lv.1
Suddenly Transformed Gumoss
Wild Egg Lv.1
Dream Eater Daedream
Wild Egg Lv.1
Dusken Aristocrat Nox
Wild Egg Lv.1
Underground Explorer Fuddler
Wild Egg Lv.1
Noble Glimmer Mau
Wild Egg Lv.1
Serene Glimmer Mau Cryst
Wild Egg Lv.1
Soaring Skyfish Celaray
Wild Egg Lv.1
Hunter of the Steppe Direhowl
Wild Egg Lv.1
Boom or Bust Tocotoco
Wild Egg Lv.1
Star of the Flower Beds Flopie
Wild Egg Lv.1
Thorny Rose Bristla
Wild Egg Lv.1
Bringer of Luck Hangyu
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian of the Forest Mossanda
Wild Egg Lv.1
Walking Farm Caprity
Wild Egg Lv.1
Tainted Farm Caprity Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Pompous Shanks Melpaca
Wild Egg Lv.1
Protector of the Herd Eikthyrdeer
Wild Egg Lv.1
Wings of the Firmament Nitewing
Wild Egg Lv.1
Heart-Melting Smile Ribbuny
Wild Egg Lv.1
Sparkling Smile Ribbuny Botan
Wild Egg Lv.1
Butterfly Promenade Cinnamoth
Wild Egg Lv.1
Blazing Brute Arsox
Wild Egg Lv.1
Perpetual Procrastinator Dumud
Wild Egg Lv.1
Shadow-Cloaked Schemer Cawgnito
Wild Egg Lv.1
Self-Proclaimed Fashionista Leezpunk Ignis
Wild Egg Lv.1
Enraptured by Moonlight Loupmoon
Wild Egg Lv.1
Enraptured by the Frozen Moonlight Loupmoon Cryst
Wild Egg Lv.1
Proud Courier Galeclaw
Wild Egg Lv.1
Archer of the Forest Robinquill
Wild Egg Lv.1
Archer of the Sands Robinquill Terra
Wild Egg Lv.1
Jungle Punk Gorirat
Wild Egg Lv.1
Up for a Brawl Gorirat Terra
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian Commander Beegarde
Wild Egg Lv.1
Empress of the Hive Elizabee
Wild Egg Lv.1
Marshmallow Body Grintale
Wild Egg Lv.1
Curious Floof Swee
Wild Egg Lv.1
King of the Floof Sweepa
Wild Egg Lv.1
Dancer on the Steppe Chillet
Wild Egg Lv.1
Cherry Blossom Dancer Chillet Ignis
Wild Egg Lv.1
Swift Deity Univolt
Wild Egg Lv.1
Claws of Ice Foxcicle
Wild Egg Lv.1
Steed of Flames Pyrin
Wild Egg Lv.1
Steed of Darkness Pyrin Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Frosthorn Beast Reindrix
Wild Egg Lv.1
Electro-Charged Zoomies Rayhound
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian of the Azure Flame Kitsun
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian of the Dark Flame Kitsun Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Born of the Storm Dazzi
Wild Egg Lv.1
Born of the Thunderclouds Dazzi Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian of Blossoming Gardens Dinossom
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian of Lightning Dinossom Lux
Wild Egg Lv.1
The Ocean's Wrath Surfent
Wild Egg Lv.1
The Desert's Wrath Surfent Terra
Wild Egg Lv.1
Messenger of Death Maraith
Wild Egg Lv.1
Drilling Machine Digtoise
Wild Egg Lv.1
Trickster Tombat
Wild Egg Lv.1
Pal on the Prowl Lovander
Wild Egg Lv.1
Molten Daughter Flambelle
Wild Egg Lv.1
Aerial Marauder Vanwyrm
Wild Egg Lv.1
Marauder of Frozen Skies Vanwyrm Cryst
Wild Egg Lv.1
Samurai of Darkness Bushi Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Wings of Thunder Beakon
Wild Egg Lv.1
Wings of Inferno Ragnahawk
Wild Egg Lv.1
Fire Licked Feline Katress Ignis
Wild Egg Lv.1
Fire Licked Furball Wixen
Wild Egg Lv.1
Phantasmal Furball Wixen Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Voice of the Violets Vaelet
Sealed Dungeon Lv.38
Child of Molten Depths Kelpsea Ignis
Wild Egg Lv.1
Predator of Snowy Peaks Cryolinx
Wild Egg Lv.1
Predator of the Earth Cryolinx Terra
Wild Egg Lv.1
Crimson Goliath Blazehowl
Wild Egg Lv.1
Inferno Goliath Blazehowl Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Gluttonous Dragon Relaxaurus
Wild Egg Lv.1
Gluttonous Thunder Dragon Relaxaurus Lux
Sealed Dungeon Lv.31
Winds of Spring Broncherry
Wild Egg Lv.1
Lady of the Flower Garden Petallia
Sealed Dungeon Lv.28
Lava-Devouring Juggernaut Reptyro
Wild Egg Lv.1
Ice-Breaking Juggernaut Reptyro Cryst
Wild Egg Lv.1
Azure Fluff Commander Kingpaca Cryst
Wild Egg Lv.1
King of the Forest Mammorest
Field Lv.38
Frozen King Mammorest Cryst
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian of the Snowy Mountain Wumpo
Wild Egg Lv.1
Golden Armor Warrior Warsect Terra
Wild Egg Lv.1
Drifting Thundercloud Fenglope Lux
Wild Egg Lv.1
Snow-White Soarer Quivern
Sealed Dungeon Lv.23
Evergreen Flyer Quivern Botan
Wild Egg Lv.1
Wings of Thunder Helzephyr Lux
Wild Egg Lv.1
Ruler of the Crimson Dawn Suzaku
Wild Egg Lv.1
Ruler of the Cobalt Dusk Suzaku Aqua
Wild Egg Lv.1
Sentinel of the Tides Faleris Aqua
Wild Egg Lv.1
Legendary Steed of Darkness Frostallion Noct
Sealed Dungeon Lv.60
Harakiri Master Croajiro
Wild Egg Lv.1
Primal Source of Hay Fever Lullu
Wild Egg Lv.1
Creeping Mushroom Shroomer
Wild Egg Lv.1
Dangerous Mushroom Shroomer Noct
Wild Egg Lv.1
Armored to the Teeth Kikit
Wild Egg Lv.1
Flickering Flame Sootseer
Wild Egg Lv.1
Unwavering Loyalty Yakumo
Wild Egg Lv.1
State of Enlightenment Dogen
Wild Egg Lv.1
Brilliant Steps Dazemu
Wild Egg Lv.1
Midnight Blue Mane Starryon
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian Dragon of Ironclad Silvegis
Wild Egg Lv.1
Beast of Salvation Celesdir
Wild Egg Lv.1
Hundred-Faced Apostle Omascul
Wild Egg Lv.1
Crimson Butcher Splatterina
Wild Egg Lv.1
Tactician of the Thread Realm Tarantriss
Wild Egg Lv.1
Blue Lightning Steed Azurmane
Wild Egg Lv.1
King of Frostfang Bastigor
Wild Egg Lv.1
Night Shade Hunter Nyafia
Wild Egg Lv.1
Guardian Beast of Twilight Gildane
Wild Egg Lv.1