A lightweight yet sturdy material. Used to create armor among other equipment.
Coal x2 x10000 Carbon Fiber x1 Technology Lv. 35
Charcoal x5 x10000 Carbon Fiber x1 Technology Lv. 35
Crafting Materials
Paldium Fragment x5 Refined Ingot x5 Carbon Fiber x2 Cement x3 x40000 Ultra Sphere x1 Technology Lv. 35
Paldium Fragment x10 Pal Metal Ingot x5 Carbon Fiber x3 Cement x5 x100000 Legendary Sphere x1 Technology Lv. 44
Paldium Fragment x20 Pal Metal Ingot x10 Carbon Fiber x5 Plasteel x1 x300000 Ultimate Sphere x1 Technology Lv. 51
Paldium Fragment x30 Plasteel x2 Carbon Fiber x7 Hexolite x1 x600000 Exotic Sphere x1 Technology Lv. 56
Paldium Fragment x100 Refined Ingot x50 Carbon Fiber x50 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x600000 Slider Module x1 Technology Lv. 39
Paldium Fragment x200 Pal Metal Ingot x50 Carbon Fiber x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 Ancient Civilization Core x5 x2000000 Sniper Module Ⅱ x1 Technology Lv. 47
Plasteel x50 Carbon Fiber x100 Ancient Civilization Parts x50 Dark Fragment x50 Ancient Civilization Core x10 x10000000 Homing Module x1 Technology Lv. 57
Hexolite x40 Carbon Fiber x100 Nightstar Sand x20 x1000000 Advanced Bow x1 Technology Lv. 57
Hexolite x80 Carbon Fiber x200 Nightstar Sand x40 x4000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 1
Hexolite x120 Carbon Fiber x300 Nightstar Sand x60 x8000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 2
Hexolite x180 Carbon Fiber x450 Nightstar Sand x90 x16000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 3
Hexolite x270 Carbon Fiber x675 Nightstar Sand x135 x32000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 4
Refined Ingot x40 Polymer x10 Carbon Fiber x30 x100000 Assault Rifle x1 Technology Lv. 45
Refined Ingot x80 Polymer x20 Carbon Fiber x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x400000 Assault Rifle x1 Assault Rifle Schematic 1
Refined Ingot x120 Polymer x30 Carbon Fiber x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x800000 Assault Rifle x1 Assault Rifle Schematic 2
Refined Ingot x180 Polymer x45 Carbon Fiber x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x1600000 Assault Rifle x1 Assault Rifle Schematic 3
Refined Ingot x270 Polymer x67 Carbon Fiber x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x3200000 Assault Rifle x1 Assault Rifle Schematic 4
Refined Ingot x30 Polymer x20 Carbon Fiber x40 x120000 Pump-Action Shotgun x1 Technology Lv. 43
Refined Ingot x60 Polymer x40 Carbon Fiber x80 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x480000 Pump-Action Shotgun x1 Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 1
Refined Ingot x90 Polymer x60 Carbon Fiber x120 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x960000 Pump-Action Shotgun x1 Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 2
Refined Ingot x135 Polymer x90 Carbon Fiber x180 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x1920000 Pump-Action Shotgun x1 Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 3
Refined Ingot x202 Polymer x135 Carbon Fiber x270 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x3840000 Pump-Action Shotgun x1 Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic 4
Refined Ingot x50 Polymer x20 Carbon Fiber x40 x150000 Semi-Auto Shotgun x1 Technology Lv. 47
Refined Ingot x100 Polymer x40 Carbon Fiber x80 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x600000 Semi-Auto Shotgun x1 Semi-Auto Shotgun Schematic 1
Refined Ingot x150 Polymer x60 Carbon Fiber x120 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x1200000 Semi-Auto Shotgun x1 Semi-Auto Shotgun Schematic 2
Refined Ingot x225 Polymer x90 Carbon Fiber x180 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x2400000 Semi-Auto Shotgun x1 Semi-Auto Shotgun Schematic 3
Refined Ingot x337 Polymer x135 Carbon Fiber x270 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x4800000 Semi-Auto Shotgun x1 Semi-Auto Shotgun Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x75 Polymer x30 Carbon Fiber x50 x300000 Rocket Launcher x1 Technology Lv. 49
Pal Metal Ingot x150 Polymer x60 Carbon Fiber x100 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x1200000 Rocket Launcher x1 Rocket Launcher Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x225 Polymer x90 Carbon Fiber x150 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x2400000 Rocket Launcher x1 Rocket Launcher Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x337 Polymer x135 Carbon Fiber x225 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x4800000 Rocket Launcher x1 Rocket Launcher Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x505 Polymer x202 Carbon Fiber x337 Ancient Civilization Parts x40 x9600000 Rocket Launcher x1 Rocket Launcher Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x50 Plasteel x40 Carbon Fiber x40 x300000 Laser Rifle x1 Technology Lv. 51
Pal Metal Ingot x100 Plasteel x80 Carbon Fiber x80 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x1200000 Laser Rifle x1 Laser Rifle Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x150 Plasteel x120 Carbon Fiber x120 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x2400000 Laser Rifle x1 Laser Rifle Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x225 Plasteel x180 Carbon Fiber x180 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x4800000 Laser Rifle x1 Laser Rifle Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x337 Plasteel x270 Carbon Fiber x270 Ancient Civilization Parts x40 x9600000 Laser Rifle x1 Laser Rifle Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x40 Plasteel x30 Carbon Fiber x35 Flame Organ x30 x250000 Flamethrower x1 Technology Lv. 52
Pal Metal Ingot x80 Plasteel x60 Carbon Fiber x70 Flame Organ x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x1000000 Flamethrower x1 Flamethrower Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x120 Plasteel x90 Carbon Fiber x105 Flame Organ x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x2000000 Flamethrower x1 Flamethrower Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x180 Plasteel x135 Carbon Fiber x157 Flame Organ x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x4000000 Flamethrower x1 Flamethrower Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x270 Plasteel x202 Carbon Fiber x235 Flame Organ x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x40 x8000000 Flamethrower x1 Flamethrower Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x75 Plasteel x60 Carbon Fiber x60 x400000 Grenade Launcher x1 Technology Lv. 53
Pal Metal Ingot x150 Plasteel x120 Carbon Fiber x120 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x1600000 Grenade Launcher x1 Grenade Launcher Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x225 Plasteel x180 Carbon Fiber x180 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x3200000 Grenade Launcher x1 Grenade Launcher Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x337 Plasteel x270 Carbon Fiber x270 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x6400000 Grenade Launcher x1 Grenade Launcher Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x505 Plasteel x405 Carbon Fiber x405 Ancient Civilization Parts x40 x12800000 Grenade Launcher x1 Grenade Launcher Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x100 Plasteel x50 Carbon Fiber x100 Circuit Board x20 x600000 Guided Missile Launcher x1 Technology Lv. 55
Pal Metal Ingot x200 Plasteel x100 Carbon Fiber x200 Circuit Board x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x2400000 Guided Missile Launcher x1 Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x300 Plasteel x150 Carbon Fiber x300 Circuit Board x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x4800000 Guided Missile Launcher x1 Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x450 Plasteel x225 Carbon Fiber x450 Circuit Board x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x9600000 Guided Missile Launcher x1 Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x675 Plasteel x337 Carbon Fiber x675 Circuit Board x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x40 x19200000 Guided Missile Launcher x1 Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x150 Plasteel x80 Carbon Fiber x120 Circuit Board x30 x1000000 Multi Guided Missile Launcher x1 Multi Guided Missile Launcher Schematic
Pal Metal Ingot x300 Plasteel x160 Carbon Fiber x240 Circuit Board x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x4000000 Multi Guided Missile Launcher x1 Multi Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x450 Plasteel x240 Carbon Fiber x360 Circuit Board x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 x8000000 Multi Guided Missile Launcher x1 Multi Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x675 Plasteel x360 Carbon Fiber x540 Circuit Board x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x40 x16000000 Multi Guided Missile Launcher x1 Multi Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x1012 Plasteel x540 Carbon Fiber x810 Circuit Board x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x50 x32000000 Multi Guided Missile Launcher x1 Multi Guided Missile Launcher Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x150 Plasteel x70 Carbon Fiber x140 x800000 Gatling Gun x1 Technology Lv. 54
Pal Metal Ingot x300 Plasteel x140 Carbon Fiber x280 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x3200000 Gatling Gun x1 Gatling Gun Schematic 1
Pal Metal Ingot x450 Plasteel x210 Carbon Fiber x420 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x6400000 Gatling Gun x1 Gatling Gun Schematic 2
Pal Metal Ingot x675 Plasteel x315 Carbon Fiber x630 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x12800000 Gatling Gun x1 Gatling Gun Schematic 3
Pal Metal Ingot x1012 Plasteel x472 Carbon Fiber x945 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x25600000 Gatling Gun x1 Gatling Gun Schematic 4
Plasteel x110 Hexolite x100 Carbon Fiber x200 x1500000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Technology Lv. 58
Plasteel x220 Hexolite x200 Carbon Fiber x400 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x6000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 1
Plasteel x330 Hexolite x300 Carbon Fiber x600 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x12000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 2
Plasteel x495 Hexolite x450 Carbon Fiber x900 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x24000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 3
Plasteel x742 Hexolite x675 Carbon Fiber x1350 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x48000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 4
Plasteel x150 Hexolite x130 Carbon Fiber x200 Circuit Board x100 x3000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Technology Lv. 60
Plasteel x300 Hexolite x260 Carbon Fiber x400 Circuit Board x200 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x12000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 1
Plasteel x450 Hexolite x390 Carbon Fiber x600 Circuit Board x300 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x24000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 2
Plasteel x675 Hexolite x585 Carbon Fiber x900 Circuit Board x450 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x48000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 3
Plasteel x1012 Hexolite x877 Carbon Fiber x1350 Circuit Board x675 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x96000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 4
Pal Metal Ingot x100 Polymer x50 Paldium Fragment x200 Carbon Fiber x50 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 x240000 Homing Sphere Launcher x1 Technology Lv. 55
Refined Ingot x50 Polymer x15 Paldium Fragment x50 Carbon Fiber x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 x300000 Scatter Sphere Launcher x1 Technology Lv. 37
Paldium Fragment x40 Refined Ingot x30 Carbon Fiber x20 Polymer x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x500000 Hyper Grappling Gun x1 Technology Lv. 48
Refined Ingot x20 Wood x100 Carbon Fiber x20 High Quality Cloth x10 x50000 Giga Glider x1 Technology Lv. 40
Pal Metal Ingot x40 Wood x200 Carbon Fiber x50 High Quality Cloth x20 x150000 Hyper Glider x1 Technology Lv. 52
Wood x30 Fiber x90 Leather x35 Carbon Fiber x10 x80000 Huge Feed Bag x1 Technology Lv. 35
Wood x50 Fiber x200 Leather x50 Carbon Fiber x20 x200000 Giant Feed Bag x1 Technology Lv. 46
Predator Core x10 Fiber x80 Leather x30 Carbon Fiber x10 x200000 Large Pouch x1 Technology Lv. 52
Predator Core x20 Fiber x120 Leather x40 Carbon Fiber x20 x400000 Giant Pouch x1 Technology Lv. 57
Refined Ingot x50 Circuit Board x10 Polymer x20 Carbon Fiber x20Electric Furnace
Technology Lv 44
Refined Ingot x40 Circuit Board x10 Carbon Fiber x20Electric Medicine Workbench
Technology Lv 43
Hexolite x20 Carbon Fiber x50 Nail x20Advanced Chest
Technology Lv 58
Dropped By
Shadowbeak x2–3 100%
Jetragon x5 100%
Unknown Life Form Shadowbeak x2–3 100%
Wood x400 Carbon Fiber x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 Ancient Pal Manuscript x10Lumbering Task Lv3
Wood x900 Carbon Fiber x100 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 Ancient Pal Manuscript x20Lumbering Task Lv4
Carbon Fiber x300 Ancient Civilization Core x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 Ancient Pal Manuscript x35Lumbering Task Lv5
Wood x300 Carbon Fiber x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 Ancient Pal Manuscript x10Mastery of Expeditions Lv1
Wood x400 Carbon Fiber x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 Ancient Pal Manuscript x10Time-Saving Expedition Lv2
Wood x600 Carbon Fiber x50 Ancient Civilization Parts x7 Ancient Pal Manuscript x15Mastery of Expeditions Lv2
Wood x800 Carbon Fiber x80 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 Ancient Pal Manuscript x20Time-Saving Expedition Lv3
Wood x800 Carbon Fiber x80 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 Ancient Pal Manuscript x20Mastery of Expeditions Lv3
Wood x300 Carbon Fiber x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 Ancient Pal Manuscript x5Lumbering Research Tips Lv2
Wood x800 Carbon Fiber x80 Ancient Civilization Parts x10 Ancient Pal Manuscript x30Pals at Base Enhancement Lv1
Carbon Fiber x300 Ancient Civilization Core x10 Ancient Civilization Parts x20 Ancient Pal Manuscript x50Pals at Base Enhancement Lv2