An alloy of Chromite, Ingot, and Hexolite Quartz. Used as materials for advanced equipment and structures.
Chromite x5 Hexolite Quartz x12 Ore x20 x500000 Hexolite x1 Technology Lv. 56
Created with Raphaël 2.3.0





Crafting Materials
Paldium Fragment x30 Plasteel x2 Carbon Fiber x7 Hexolite x1 x600000 Exotic Sphere x1 Technology Lv. 56
Hexolite x30 Paldium Fragment x100 Nightstar Sand x20 Ancient Civilization Parts x5 x500000 Beam Sword x1 Technology Lv. 57
Hexolite x40 Carbon Fiber x100 Nightstar Sand x20 x1000000 Advanced Bow x1 Technology Lv. 57
Hexolite x80 Carbon Fiber x200 Nightstar Sand x40 x4000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 1
Hexolite x120 Carbon Fiber x300 Nightstar Sand x60 x8000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 2
Hexolite x180 Carbon Fiber x450 Nightstar Sand x90 x16000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 3
Hexolite x270 Carbon Fiber x675 Nightstar Sand x135 x32000000 Advanced Bow x1 Advanced Bow Schematic 4
Plasteel x110 Hexolite x100 Carbon Fiber x200 x1500000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Technology Lv. 58
Plasteel x220 Hexolite x200 Carbon Fiber x400 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x6000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 1
Plasteel x330 Hexolite x300 Carbon Fiber x600 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x12000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 2
Plasteel x495 Hexolite x450 Carbon Fiber x900 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x24000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 3
Plasteel x742 Hexolite x675 Carbon Fiber x1350 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x48000000 Laser Gatling Gun x1 Laser Gatling Gun Schematic 4
Plasteel x150 Hexolite x130 Carbon Fiber x200 Circuit Board x100 x3000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Technology Lv. 60
Plasteel x300 Hexolite x260 Carbon Fiber x400 Circuit Board x200 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x12000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 1
Plasteel x450 Hexolite x390 Carbon Fiber x600 Circuit Board x300 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x24000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 2
Plasteel x675 Hexolite x585 Carbon Fiber x900 Circuit Board x450 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x48000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 3
Plasteel x1012 Hexolite x877 Carbon Fiber x1350 Circuit Board x675 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x96000000 Plasma Cannon x1 Plasma Cannon Schematic 4
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 x1000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 57
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x150 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x8000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x225 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x16000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x337 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x32000000 Hexolite Armor x1 Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 Flame Organ x30 x1100000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 59
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Flame Organ x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4400000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x150 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Flame Organ x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x8800000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x225 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Flame Organ x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x17600000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x337 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Flame Organ x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x35200000 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Heat Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 Ice Organ x30 x1100000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 59
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Ice Organ x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4400000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x150 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Ice Organ x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x8800000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x225 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Ice Organ x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x17600000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x337 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Ice Organ x202 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x35200000 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor x1 Cold Resistant Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x100 Plasteel x20 High Quality Cloth x20 x1200000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Technology Lv. 60
Hexolite x200 Plasteel x40 High Quality Cloth x40 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x4800000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 1
Hexolite x300 Plasteel x60 High Quality Cloth x60 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x9600000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 2
Hexolite x450 Plasteel x90 High Quality Cloth x90 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x19200000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 3
Hexolite x675 Plasteel x135 High Quality Cloth x135 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x38400000 Lightweight Hexolite Armor x1 Lightweight Hexolite Armor Schematic 4
Hexolite x40 Plasteel x15 x400000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Technology Lv. 58
Hexolite x80 Plasteel x30 Ancient Civilization Parts x15 x1600000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 1
Hexolite x120 Plasteel x45 Ancient Civilization Parts x25 x3200000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 2
Hexolite x180 Plasteel x67 Ancient Civilization Parts x35 x6400000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 3
Hexolite x270 Plasteel x100 Ancient Civilization Parts x45 x12800000 Hexolite Helmet x1 Hexolite Helmet Schematic 4
Hexolite x30 Paldium Fragment x150 Nightstar Sand x50 Dark Fragment x50 x400000 Triple Jump Boots x1 Technology Lv. 58
Hexolite x1 Stone x10 x40000 Advanced Arrow x10 Technology Lv. 57
Electric Organ x10 Hexolite x1 x200000 Plasma Cartridge x5 Technology Lv. 60
Ancient Civilization Parts x80 Paldium Fragment x200 Hexolite x50 Ancient Civilization Core x30 x2000000 Advanced Shield x1 Technology Lv. 60
Leather x30 Hexolite x15 Paldium Fragment x75 x150000 Silvegis Saddle x1 Technology Lv. 58
Hexolite x30 Ice Organ x50 Paldium Fragment x140 x500000 Bastigor's Hammer x1 Technology Lv. 59
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x50 Circuit Board x30 Nail x50Advanced Sphere Assembly Line
Technology Lv 56
Hexolite x100 Circuit Board x50 Ancient Civilization Parts x30 Ancient Civilization Core x20Large-Scale Electric Egg Incubator
Technology Lv 60
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x50 Circuit Board x30 High Quality Cloth x20Factory_Hard_04
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x50 Circuit Board x30Advanced Medicine Workbench
Technology Lv 59
Hexolite x50 Plasteel x50 Circuit Board x30 Polymer x20WeaponFactory_Dirty_04
Hexolite x20 Carbon Fiber x50 Nail x20Advanced Chest
Technology Lv 58
Hexolite x10 Pal Fluids x30 Circuit Board x5Pal Pod
Technology Lv 57