Eggs tenraku_grade_01 /22
Egg CoolDown Time: 180 minutes.
Refer to the egg display on the Map page.
pal | weight | egg |
Dazzi Noct | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Ei |
Cryolinx Terra | 10 (4.99%) | Zerfurchtes Jumboei |
Fenglope Lux | 10 (4.99%) | Knisterndes Ei |
Caprity Noct | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Ei |
Loupmoon Cryst | 10 (4.99%) | Gefrorenes Ei |
Faleris Aqua | 10 (4.99%) | Feuchtes Riesenei |
Warsect Terra | 10 (4.99%) | Zerfurchtes Riesenei |
Kitsun Noct | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Jumboei |
Ribbuny Botan | 10 (4.99%) | Saftig grünes Ei |
Starryon | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Jumboei |
Gildane | 10 (4.99%) | Zerfurchtes Riesenei |
Nitemary | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Jumboei |
Prunelia | 10 (4.99%) | Saftig grünes Jumboei |
Nyafia | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Ei |
Silvegis | 10 (4.99%) | Drachen-Riesenei |
Tarantriss | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Ei |
Omascul | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Ei |
Splatterina | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Ei |
Smokie | 10 (4.99%) | Düsteres Ei |
Celesdir | 0.3 (0.15%) | Gewöhnliches Jumboei |
Foxparks Cryst | 10 (4.99%) | Gefrorenes Ei |
Azurmane | 0.3 (0.15%) | Knisterndes Jumboei |