Mau | 40 |
Noble Glimmer Mau | 40 |
Loupmoon | 40 |
Enraptured by Moonlight Loupmoon | 40 |
Cawgnito | 40 |
Shadow-Cloaked Schemer Cawgnito | 40 |
Depresso | 40 |
Several Sleepless Nights Later Depresso | 40 |
Maraith | 40 |
Messenger of Death Maraith | 40 |
Rampaging Maraith | 3 |
Kitsun Noct | 30 |
Guardian of the Dark Flame Kitsun Noct | 30 |
Leezpunk | 30 |
Self-Proclaimed Genius Leezpunk | 30 |
Leezpunk | 30 |
Astegon | 22 |
Monarch of the Steel Dragon Astegon | 22 |
Vanwyrm | 30 |
Aerial Marauder Vanwyrm | 30 |
Vanwyrm Cryst | 30 |
Marauder of Frozen Skies Vanwyrm Cryst | 30 |
Frostallion Noct | 40 |
Legendary Steed of Darkness Frostallion Noct | 40 |
Felbat | 30 |
Gloom-Shrouded Bloodsucker Felbat | 30 |
Shadowbeak | 30 |
Unknown Life Form Shadowbeak | 30 |
PAL Genetic Research Unit Commander Victor & Shadowbeak | 4 |
Hoocrates | 40 |
Purveyor of Wisdom Hoocrates | 40 |
Killamari | 40 |
Emotionless Killamari | 40 |
Daedream | 40 |
Dream Eater Daedream | 40 |
Lyleen Noct | 30 |
Empress of the Abyss Lyleen Noct | 30 |
Rampaging Blazehowl Noct | 2 |
Katress | 40 |
Phantasmal Feline Katress | 40 |
Tombat | 40 |
Trickster Tombat | 40 |
Vaelet | 40 |
Voice of the Violets Vaelet | 40 |
Nox | 40 |
Dusken Aristocrat Nox | 40 |
Helzephyr | 40 |
Wings of The Underworld Helzephyr | 40 |
Helzephyr | 40 |
Necromus | 22 |
Dark Knight of Legend Necromus | 22 |
Menasting | 30 |
Unstoppable Stinger Menasting | 30 |
Bellanoir | 30 |
Eclipsed Siren Bellanoir | 30 |
Bellanoir Libero | 22 |
Twilight Siren Bellanoir Libero | 22 |
Eclipsed Siren Bellanoir | 3 |
Twilight Siren Bellanoir Libero | 2 |
Twilight Siren (Ultra) Bellanoir Libero | 2 |
Leader of the Moonflowers Saya & Selyne | 10 |
Sootseer | 30 |
Flickering Flame Sootseer | 30 |
Rampaging Sootseer | 30 |
Xenovader | 30 |
Interloper from Outer Space Xenovader | 30 |
Xenovader | 2 |
Xenovader | 30 |
Shroomer Noct | 30 |
Dangerous Mushroom Shroomer Noct | 30 |
Helzephyr Lux | 22 |
Wings of Thunder Helzephyr Lux | 22 |
Rampaging Helzephyr Lux | 22 |
Leader of the Moonflowers Saya & Selyne | 7 |
Selyne | 3 |
Rampaging Tarantriss | 3 |
Splatterina | 30 |
Crimson Butcher Splatterina | 30 |
Rampaging Splatterina | 3 |
Omascul | 30 |
Hundred-Faced Apostle Omascul | 30 |
Rampaging Omascul | 3 |
Smokie | 30 |
Jet-Black Little Hero Smokie | 30 |
Starryon | 22 |
Midnight Blue Mane Starryon | 22 |
Rampaging Starryon | 3 |
Nitemary | 40 |
Soul of the Dark Rabbit Nitemary | 40 |
Nyafia | 40 |
Night Shade Hunter Nyafia | 40 |
Invader from Space Xenolord | 11 |
Invader from Space (Ultra) Xenolord | 13 |
Jarl of Feybreak Bjorn & Bastigor | 10