
Install Mods
Install UE4SS
Since v0.4.15 updates the UE file structure, players who experience crashes when using Mods are advised to replace the UE4SS experimental-lastest version (at least v3.0.1-323).
Go to UE4SS website to download UE4SS-Palworld.zip
, unzip and copy the following files to the game directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\
, dwmapi.dll
will be in the same directory as Palworld-Win64-Shipping.exe
(Official version lack MemberVariableLayout_5_01_Template.ini fix and can't be integrated)
- dwmapi.dll
- ue4ss/Mods/
- ue4ss/UE4SS.dll
- ue4ss/UE4SS-settings.ini
The Mods/
folder in ue4ss should be copied completely.
If there is an old version 2.5 xinput1_3.dll
in the directory, it needs to be deleted.
: Pak Mods without ModActor, No ue4ss requiredContent\Paks\LogicMods\
: Pak Mods with ModActorBinaries\Win64\ue4ss\Mods\
: Lua Mods
pak files that end with _P are typically mods that override default game assets. If thats all they do (ie, they dont also have a ModActor for running game specific logic, aka, LogicMod
) then yeah they should go into ~mods
. If they have the mod actor, they should go into LogicMods so that the BPModLoaderMod part of the ue4ss modloading system, can load the logic mods aforementioned ModActor for the mod.
If you put a pak file that doesnt have a ModActor into the LogicMod
folder, it will still work fine, but ue4ss will print a warning message that the mod actor for that mod was found (makes sense)
If you put a pak file that does have a ModActor into the ~mods
folder, ue4ss wont ever try to load its modactor, so its logic wont ever run, but if it replaces default game assets, those will still be replaced..